Arnold Schoenberg (born Vienna, 13 September 1874; died Los Angeles, 13 July 1951)
First Performance: Vienna (), 23 February 1913.
First Performance in UK: tbc.
First Performance in Scotland: Edinburgh (Usher Hall), 4 September 1983.
The Songs of Gurre is a massive cantata composed by Schoenberg over a number of years. The setting is the Danish castle of Gurre - the plot concerning the 14th Century King Waldemar iV and his ill-fated love for Tove. Begun as a song cycle it gradually expanded to form a large-scale late romantic work for soloists, chorus and huge orchestra that ends by introducing a far more modern style of narrative.
Waldemar iV (tenor)
Tove (soprano)
Klaus the jester (tenor)
Wood Dove (mezzo-soprano)
Peasant (bass)
Speaker (reciter)
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