Opera Scotland

Star buys and recommended products

Check out Breathe Freely, Julian Wagstaff's chamber opera - follow the link here. Recommended.


Carl Rosa: Touring Opera in Scotland is on Kindle now - download it and read the true story of the amazing man.  Coming from Hamburg, he gave his first concert in the UK as a violinist at the age of just twelve and a half - in Edinburgh! Learn about the tours he and his wife made around the USA performing opera.  With the profits they made they returned to the UK, resolved to bring opera in English to the provinces.  By the time he died, he and Carl Rosa Opera were household names.  The company continued to tour, and in due course brought operas by Verdi, Massenet, Wagner and Puccini to Scottish audiences in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Read about celebrities and unruly students, learn about the singers and the difficulties of tours in those days.  Did Carl Rosa really assault one of his singers?  Carl Rosa was one of those nineteenth century pioneers who did as much as anyone to tour music outside London, yet he is now almost forgotten.

Go to Kindle and buy:

Kobbé's Complete Opera Guide, a classic of its kind, was founded by Gustave Kobbé and continued through new editions by the Earl of Harewood. Kobbé remains the only known author of an opera guide to have been killed when a seaplane struck his yacht.  Still one of the best guides to operas around. Buy it here.


O'Reilly, D; Rentschler, R and Kirchner, T (Eds) 2013 The Routledge Companion to Arts Marketing (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting)

For the academics and students among you, a comprehensive one volume guide to Arts Marketing. The chapter Creating the Opera Habit: Marketing and the Experience of Opera was contributed by Peter and Iain Fraser of Opera Scotland  

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