Opera Scotland

Sarah Walker Suggest updates

Born Cheltenham, 11 March 1943.

English mezzo-soprano.

Roles in Scotland

Dido Queen of Carthage, widow of Sichaeus, Prince of Tyre (Didon)
Trojans 1972
Fricka wife of Wotan and goddess of marriage
Rheingold 1976
Siegrune a Valkyrie
Valkyrie 1976
Fricka Wotan's estranged wife
Valkyrie 1976
Ines the innkeeper's daughter
Drei Pintos 1976
Mass of Life 1984
Elizabeth Queen of England
Gloriana 1989
Quickly Mistress Quickly, a confidante of Alice and Meg
Falstaff 1991
Klytämnestra widow of Agamemnon
Elektra 1999
Messa da Requiem 1999

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