Opera Scotland

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Roles in Scotland

Silvio a villager
Pagliacci 1915
Ruggiero Provost of Constance
Jewess 1915
Vincenzo Gellner of Hochstoff
Wally 1919
Wally 1920
Marcello a painter
Bohème 1920
Wolfram von Eschenbach a knight and minnesinger
Tannhäuser 1920
Danny Mann a boatman, devoted to Hardress
Lily of Killarney 1920
Giorgio Germont Alfredo's father
Traviata 1920
Valentin Marguerite's brother
Faust 1920
Anckarström friend to the king (Renato)
Masked Ball 1920
Mercutio friend of Roméo
Romeo and Juliet 1920
Clifford a young Cavalier, in love with Mary Wolfe
Puritan's Daughter 1920

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