Everyone whether member or not is welcome to atttend meetings of Friends of Scottish Opera but they MUST contact the person responsible, who may be listed beneath or on Scottish Opera's website, or who may be contacted through Mrs Anne Higgins at Scottish Opera
Saturday October 1 Strathclyde branch study day - the Barber of Seville introduced by Derek Watson at Elmbank Crescent from 10.30. tickets cost £22.50 including a lunch and should be booked directly with Anne Higgins telephone 0141 242 0599 by the Monday preceding each study day.
Sunday October 2nd Glasgow branch has an afternoon with Sir Thomas Allen, in conversation with Anne Higgins.
Angus branch "The new singing sensations on DVD" 2.30 pm at Edzell Church Hall, for further information contact the secretary, Mrs Margaret Taylor, Lundie Home Farm Cottage, Menmuir, Brechin DD9 7QW. Tel. 01356 647351 e-mail margaret@lundiecottage.wanadoo.co.uk
Saturday 15 October Lothian and Borders branch Anne Higgins on the Barber of Seville. 2.30 in the Founders' Room, Edinburgh Festival Theatre. Entrance £5 including tea or coffee. For further details, contact Ian Hogarth on 0131 332 1503 or Philip Jones on Philip_Jones@HBOSplc.co.uk
Sunday 16 October Forth Valley branch in Stirling hosts Scottish Opera emerging artist Shuna Scott Sendall. 2.30 pm at Smith Art Gallery and Museum. Entrance £5 (£6 guests and £1 students). For further details contact Elise Macrae 01786 822128
Sunday 16 October Perthshire branch Visit to the Scottish Opera production studios. For further details contact Dr Hamish McBride tel. 01887 840355 or e-mail h.mcbride@homecall.co.uk or Mrs Marjorie Bourne 01764 650822 marjoriebourne@hotmail.com
Friday 21 October Tayside branch Happily Ever After (Will these operatic romances last?) by David Muir Wood. Meeting at 7.30 in the common room of the chaplaincy centre with a buffet supper available from 6.30. Book with Penny Anderson tel 01382 225 067 (Penny_Anderson@blueyonder.co.uk) or David Muir Wood tel. 01382 370685 (d.muirwood@dundee.ac.uk) at least three days before each meeting.
Sunday 23 October Dumfries and Galloway branch coach trip to Sunday matinee performance of the Barber of Seville at the Theatre Royal, Glasgow. Coach leaves from Dumfries. To book please contact Janette Patterson on 01556 612049 or e-mail Janette.Patterson@Tesco.net
Sunday October 23
Forth Valley Branch. Coach transport to matinee of Barber of Seville in Glasgow. For coach bookings contact Margaret Inall on 01786 474260
Wednesday October 26 Grampian branch subject to be confirmed. 7.30 at Rubislaw Church Centre.
Saturday 29th October Friends of Scottish Opera AGM at Scottish Opera's headquarters followed by lunch to celebrate Anne Higgins' 21 years as Friends' manager. The lunch is £20 per head and further information and bookings should be sent to Friends' chairman Lizanne Mckerrell at North Cottage, Dumgoyne, Glasgow G63 9LL. telephone 01360 551117
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