Opera Scotland

Talk | Carl Rosa Opera and Touring Scotland 1874-1900 2011Opera Scotland

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The Carl Rosa Opera company is remembered over many generations for touring opera productions across Britain and overseas. Indeed there is still in existence today a company with the brand name performing light opera.

But this talk is based on new evidence uncovered as the Opera Scotland team built up their database of operatic performances in Scotland, working with a view to identifying the date of first Scottish performance of many famous operas. 

During the latter pert of the nineteenth century, a period of economic growth, demand for entertainment was growing. In 1874 Carl Rosa founded his company, with the aim of taking opera in English (performed to a high standard) to the provinces.  Over many years, Scotland offered regular spots on these tours. Drawing from original material in a book to be published next year, Iain illustrates his talk with stories about the performances, the singers and conductors - and indeed about Carl Rosa himself.

The talk is being given on November 22 at the Beehive Inn, Grassmarket, Edinburgh starting at 6.30pm and will last around an hour. Entry is free - arrive early to avoid disappointment!

This event is just one of many forming part of the first Festival of History - Scotland, a new venture developed by an energetic team and run on a shoestring. Look at the stunning schedule and see what's on offer! Click here to go to their website.

Performance DatesTalk | Carl Rosa Opera and Touring Scotland 1874-1900 2011

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Beehive Inn | Edinburgh

22 Nov, 18.30

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