Opera Scotland

Maritana 1891Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Maritana

Typically given as a Saturday night 'pop' in both cities, Maritana was hugely popular.


A Glasgow Review

Glasgow Herald:  Monday, 23 November 1891

'The Carl Rosa Opera Company brought their engagement to a close at the Theatre-Royal on Saturday by two performances.... In the evening, Wallace's Maritana was produced to a crowded house.  This opera has not been represented by the Carl Rosa Compnay for a considerable time, but the audience testified that they still retain the old love for the numerous melodious numbers.  The attempt made by the Carl Rosa Company during the past fortnight to revive comic opera has not in some cases been entirely successful, but in Maritana there is such genuine comedy in the dialogue, and musically such bright sparkling ballads and concerted pieces, brimful of melody, that make it always a firm favourite.

'The cast was in all respects a good one.  Madame Georgina Burns assumed the ròle of Maritana, and she sang with her accustomed brilliancy throughout.  ''Tis the harp in the air'' was rendered with vocal fullness and sweetness, for which she was encored. The Don Caesar de Bazan of Mr John Child was the feature of the performance.  Although evidently singing under the disadvantage of a slight cold, he acquitted himself admirably.  His rendering of ''Let me like a soldier fall'' was splendid both for tone quality and grace of style.  He was encored vociferously, and had to repeat it.   He also sang well the exquisite ballad ''There is a flower that bloometh''.

'As regards Mr Child's acting, one got a most agreeable surprise.  He threw off the restraint he usually maintains in the more serious characters, and gave a capital portrayal of the impecunious gallant.  He gave fine point to the dry humour of the character, and sustained the interest throughout.  Mr Leslie Crotty appeared as Don Jose, and gave great satisfaction, receiving a well-merited encore for his rendering of ''In happy moments''.  Mr L. Pringle was the Charles II of the cast, and he sang well.  Miss M. Ormerod was Lazarillo, and she filled the part with quiet grace, being encored for ''Alas, those chimes''.

'Mr Claude Jaquinot conducted, and the chorus and ballet were in good form.


And in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Evening News:  Monday, 7 December 1891

'The Carl Rosa Opera company concluded their fortnight's engagement at the Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh by a performance on Saturday night of Wallace's Maritana.  The opera because of its many pretty airs is still a popular work, and the audience which was amongst the largest of the fortnight, was not slow to testify appreciation of the manner in which the principal solos were sung.  As Maritana, Madame Georgina Burns was brilliant and effective while Miss Ormerod's rendering of the music of Lazarello was always pleasant.  Mr John Child's singing  made a good Don Juan.  The other parts were reasonably well filled.'

Performance Cast

Maritana a gitana

Georgina Burns (Nov 21 e; Dec 5 e)

Don Caesar de Bazan

John Child (Nov 21 e; Dec 5 e)

Don José de Santarem

Leslie Crotty (Nov 21 e)

Lazarillo a poor apprentice

Miss M Ormerod (Nov 21 e; Dec 5 e)

Charles II King of Spain

Lempriere Pringle (Nov 21 e)

Marchioness of Montefiore

Annie Cook (Nov 21 e)

Production Cast


Claude Jaquinot (Nov 21 e)

Performance DatesMaritana 1891

Map List

Theatre Royal, Glasgow | Glasgow

21 Nov, 00.00

Royal Lyceum Theatre | Edinburgh

5 Dec, 00.00

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