Opera Scotland

Faust 1895Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Faust

The Press and Journal review (1 May) explained 'it would be vain repetition indeed to run over the story of Faust and his hapless love for Marguerite - it is as familiar as a nursery tale; and even comment on the performance of the opera last night can be compressed into very few sentences.  Mr Barton McGuckin has perhaps lost reskoning of the number of times he has played the title role; he played it in Aberdeen thirteen years ago, and those who had an opportunity of seeing him then, and were present last evening , must have been struck with the superior finish and greater histrionic ease that characterised his impersonation of the part.  Mr McGuckin was in excellent voice, and in the better-known passages his efforts were greeted with hearty applause.  His rendering of the cavatina in the third act, "All Hail thou dwelling pure and lovely", and his pleading with Marguerite in the great love scene, were specially marked by delicate execution.  Of Miss Pauline L'Allemand's Marguerite, there is nothing to be said but praise.  This talented artiste, who posssesses of great purity and flexibility, is almost new to British audiences, though not new to the operatic stage.  She made her first appearance at Frankfurt, and, after a successful tour on the continent, she joined an American operatic company, and achieved remarkable success in the States. In the jewel song last night she displayed not only rich characterisation, but an abandon and archness that lent a peculiar charm to her delineation of the temptation that most easily overcomes even a female divinity.  In the latter scenes, her impassioned singing and acting rose to a high level, the closing passages being specially noticeable for realistic fervour.  The part of Mephistopheles received splendid treatment at the hands of Mr Pringle.  His satanic majesty may almost be said to be the predominant partner in this opera.  The airs he has to render appeal more to ordinary music lovers than any of the others, and as Mr Pringle has a fine resonant voice, which he uses with splendid effect, he carried off a full share of the honours.  There was, too, a strong dash of grim humour in Mr Pringle's impersonation, which was specially observable in the comical love scene with martha and the serenade with its fiendish laughing refrain.  Valentine found an able exponent in Mr Max Eugene, and it is to his credit that he was the first from whom an encore was demanded.  Miss Mary Linck as Siebel has not a great deal to do, but to her lot falls one of the gems of of the opera, "When all was young," to which she gave a most exquisite interpretation.  The chief feature of the choral work was the well-known "Soldiers' Chorus," which was rendered with commendable vigour and precision.  The orchestra, under Mr Leo Feld, did admirable justice to the many tuneful numbers of the work...it may be mentioned that although the higher priced portions of the house have been fully occupied during the last two nights, the other parts have not been so well patronised as they ought to be; but this will no doubt be remedied during the remaining nights of the week.'

Cast details taken from the Aberdeen P&J 1 May 1895; it was the only performance of Faust given in Scotland during that tour and was a replacement for a planned performance of Jeanie Deans.

Carl Rosa Opera’s spring tour consisted of a week in Glasgow, a week in Aberdeen and then two weeks in Edinburgh.  Over the four week period, the company gave 36 performances of eleven operas as follows:-

Royalty Theatre, Glasgow.  w/c 22 April Mon Tannhauser; Tue Ivanhoe; Wed Hansel and Gretel & Pagliacci; Thu m Hansel and Gretel; Thu evg Ivanhoe; Fri Hansel and Gretel & Bastien and Bastienne; Sat m Ivanhoe; Sat evg Bohemian Girl.

Her Majesty’s, Aberdeen.  w/c 29 April Mon Tannhauser, Tue Faust; Wed Bastien and Bastienne & Hansel and Gretel; Thu Carmen; Fri Ivanhoe; Sat m Bastien and Bastienne & Hansel and Gretel; Sat evg Lohengrin.

Royal Lyceum, Edinburgh w/c 6 May Mon Tannhauser; Tue Jeanie Deans; Wed Pagliacci & Hansel and Gretel; Thu Carmen; Fri Ivanhoe; Sat m Bastien and Bastienne & Hansel and Gretel; evg Bohemian Girl.

Royal Lyceum, Edinburgh w/c Mon 13 May Lohengrin; Tue Bastien and Bastienne & Hansel and Gretel; Wed Tannhauser; Thu Ivanhoe; Fri Pagliacci & Hansel and Gretel; Sat e Trovatore.

Carl Rosa Opera returned in November 1893 for two weeks in Glasgow. 

Performance Cast


Pauline L'Allemand

Siébel a student of Dr Faust, in love with Marguerite

Marie Linck

Méphistophélès the devil

Lempriere Pringle

Valentin Marguerite's brother

Max Eugene

Faust a learned doctor

Barton McGuckin

Production Cast


Leo Feld

Performance DatesFaust 1895

Map List

Her Majesty's Theatre, Aberdeen | Aberdeen

30 Apr, 00.00

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