This company was billed as 'Mr R D'Oyly Carte's Continental Mikado Company', Sullivan's masterwork had been launched on the continent with a season in Berlin, starting on 2 June 1886, and moving on to Vienna from 1 September. These early performances were in English, presumably given by this team sent over from London. It would be 1888 before Vienna saw The Mikado translated into German and performed by local forces.
The Piper o’ Dundee: Saturday, February 19 1887 (p3)
The Drama
Next week Mr D’Oyly Carte’s Continental Mikado Company. Mr Cadwaladr is said to be the best Nanki-Poo we have yet had north; Mr David Fisher as Ko-Ko will be welcomed; and the ladies are all good exponents of their parts. The Mikado Company should give a matinee.
The Piper o’ Dundee: Saturday, February 26 1887 (p2)
The Drama
The Mikado has gathered good houses at Her Majesty’s Theatre during the week. The opera is performed by a good all-round company, and is prettily staged. Mr Cadwaladr, as we anticipated, makes a good Nanki-Poo, and Mr David Fisher was appreciated as Ko-Ko. The other gentlemen and the ladies filled their various parts creditably. We cannot refrain from saying that, with the exception of such musical tit-bits as “Three Little Maids from School,” “Bright Dreams on Wedding-day,” and, of course, the Music Hall ditties, “Going to Marry Yum-Yum” and “Tit-Willow,” the audience took but a languid interest in The Mikado. The two long acts, with the bewildering colouring and the monotonous glare of lights, are wearisome. The music, which was finely rendered by the orchestra, has only occasional lively numbers; and, as a whole, this opera cannot be compared to the former efforts of Messrs Gilbert and Sullivan.
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