Opera Scotland

Lucia di Lammermoor 1870Corri's Grand English Opera Company

Read more about the opera Lucia di Lammermoor

While still fairly popular, the true quality of Lucia was still enjoyed despite the cuts inflicted on it.  More sadly, Stephen Storace, a friend of Mozart, was now largely forgotten, with most of his output destroyed in a theatre fire.

Further dates to be confirmed.


Two Dundee Reviews

Dundee Advertiser: Tuesday, 22 March 1870  (p5)

The English Opera Company

'Last night, a successful performance was given of Donizetti’s famous opera of Lucia di Lammermoor – an entertainment which is always popular in Scotland. With the exception of the dress boxes, the house was well filled, and the performers had a cordial reception. Madame Corri Gillies personated with great acceptance the part of Lucy, Miss Emma Millar was Alice; Mr Parkinson made an excellent appearance as Edgar, Raymond was allotted to Mr Haydn Corri, Norman to Mr Manley, and Arthur to Mr Ellison, and Mr Henry Corri had the performance of Ashton. The music on the whole was rendered with remarkable effect.'

If the performance seemed to flag towards the end, it was because the third and fourth acts have nothing to compare to the brilliance of the second act, the concluding tragedies giving a sickly cast to the termination of the opera. The more spirited parts of the composition were well sung, and the agony was done with considerable moderation. The audience were well pleased with the entertainment, and gave frequent hearty expressions to their approval.

'The programme for this evening is The Rose of Castile, La Sonnambula being reserved for Wednesday night.'


Dundee Courier: Tuesday, 22 March 1870

The English Opera Company

'The attendance last night at the Opera was very large, many persons from Newport availing themselves of the opportunity of seeing Lucia di Lammermoor, which, being somewhat short, was through in time for them to get away with the last boat. The first piece, as is well known, is Donizetti’s, and with Madame Corri for Lucy Ashton, Edgar of Ravenswood by Mr Parkinson, Raymond by Mr Haydn Corri, Henry Ashton by Mr Henry Corri, it was done ample justice to.

'The nature of the piece again gave an opportunity for the display of that tragic power which we think this company possesses to a very great extent. The plot of the piece is taken from Sir Walter Scott’s novel of The Bride of Lammermoor, and it may be worthy of remark that the feelings with which one listened to the Opera last night recalled forcibly the impressions made on the mind while reading that novel. This effect was due in a great measure, of course, to the composer, but also in a large degree to the thorough appreciation of the characters evinced by the various artistes.

'The performances were brought to a close by what might be called a melo-dramatic farce, entitled No Song, no Supper.  Of course after such a piece as Lucia di Lammermoor it was well to give something very light, but No Song, no Supper had just rather much of that quality in it.  The piece was quite a stupid performance, without even a good song or chorus as a relief to its stupidity.'

Performance Cast

Normanno the Ashtons' forester

John Manley (Mar 21)

Enrico Lord Henry Ashton

Henry Corri (Mar 21)

Raimondo Bide the Bent, the Ashtons' chaplain

Haydn Corri (Mar 21)

Lucia Lucy Ashton, Henry's Sister

Ida Gilliess (Mar 21)

Alisa Ailsa, Lucy's companion

Emma Millar (Mar 21)

Edgardo Edgar, the Master of Ravenswood

William Parkinson (Mar 21)

Arturo Lord Arthur Bucklaw

Charles Ellison (Mar 21)

Performance DatesLucia di Lammermoor 1870

Map List

Theatre Royal, Dundee | Dundee

21 Mar, 19.30

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