Opera Scotland

Friends of Scottish Opera December 2013Friends of Scottish Opera

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Meetings of Friends of Scottish Opera are open to members and guests.  If you are interested in matters operatic, make yourself known to the nominated contact in your area and go along to a meeting.  They normally involve an interesting speaker and of course you have a chance to get to know others interested in opera.  Some branches organise coach trips to Scottish Opera performances.

Angus Opera Group meetings take place at 2.30pm in Edzell Church Hall on the first Sunday of every month untill May.   For further information about meetings and coach trips, contact Mrs Angela Noble, Hollywell House, Logie Pert, by Montrose DD10 9JX  01674 840142 email mimnoble@mac.com. 

Sunday 1 December La bohème

Dumfries and Galloway branch No events planned this month.

Forth Valley branch meetings take place monthly at 2.30pm in the Smith Art Gallery and Museum, Stirling untill April. Entrance £5 (£6 guests, £1 students).  For further details contact Elise Macrae on 01786 822128 or e-mail macraefernbank@btinternet.com and for coach bookings contact Margaret Inall on 01786 474260  or email maggie.inall@btinternet.com

Sunday 1 December  Life in the Deep End by Peter Wesley - life as an orchestral contra-bassoonist and work with El Sistema

Grampian branch meetings take place monthly at 7.30pm on wednesday evenings at Rubislaw Church Centre.  For further information, contact jennifer Risk on 01224 586972.

Wednesday 11 December Christmas party and song recital

Lothian and Borders Branch meetings are held monthly on Saturdays at 2.30pm at the Festival Theatre, Edinburgh in the Founders' Room.  Admission £5, including tea/coffee and biscuits.  For further details and for tickets for the Christmas lunch, contact Ian Hogarth, 9 Blinkbonny Road, Edinburgh on 0131 332 1503 or Christine Lumsden on 0131 337 3644 email christinaclumsden@gmail.com.

Saturday 14 December Christmas lunch at the Scottish Arts Club, Rutland Square at 12.30 for 1pm (tickets £24)

Perthshire Branch meetings take place monthly in the Royal George Hotel, Tay Street, Perth PH1 5LD on Sundays at 2.30pm preceded by tea, coffee or a glass of wine or soft drink.  For information, contact Mrs Marjorie Bourne 6 Skye Cresenct, Crieff PH7 3FB on 01764 650822 or e-mail marjoriebourne@hotmail.com 

Sunday 1 December Alan Warhurst, bassoon, on playing in the Orchestra of Scottish Opera.

Strathclyde Branch Study days are held on Saturdays in Scottish Opera's headquarters, Elmbank Crescent Glasgow from 10.30am to around 3.30pm.  A regular speaker will introduce each work in the morning session and in the afternoon representatives of the cast, production and music teams will speak about Scottish Opera's production. 

Tickets cost £25, which includes a soup and sandwich lunch and a glass of wine or a soft drink.  To book, contact Anne Higgins, Friends Manager, The Friends of Scottish Opera, 39 Elmbank Crescent, Glasgow G2 4PT stating which days you would like to attend and how many places your require, enclosing a cheque payable to the Friends of Scottish Opera, or telephone 0141 242 0599 during office hours to book with a debit or credit card.

Saturday 14 December Don Pasquale introduced by Alan Borthwick

Tayside Branch meetings take place monthly on Fridays at 7.30pm in the Common Room, Chaplaincy Centre, Dundee University.  For further information, and to book a buffet supper at 6.30pm before any of the meetings, contact Penny Anderson at  penny_anderson@blueyonder.co.uk (telephone 01382 225067) or David Muir Wood on d.muirwood@dundee.ac.uk (telephone 01382 370685). Meetings cost £2, or £10 including supper, with wine available.

Friday 13 December Members' choices - operatic excerpts

Performance DatesFriends of Scottish Opera December 2013

Map List

Friends of Scottish Opera | Various venues

1 Dec, 00.00 1 Dec, 00.00 11 Dec, 00.00 14 Dec, 00.00

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