Opera Scotland

Bohème 1979Scottish Opera

Read more about the opera Bohème

Peter Ebert's largely traditional Bohème production still worked well a decade after its launch, and here was used to frame important performances by two of the younger generation. Dennis O'Neill had been with Scottish Opera for several seasons, and his voice was gaining power while retaining its sweetness of tone. Isobel Buchanan was a young Scottish soprano who had come rapidly to prominence as the result of some excellent performances with Australian Opera under the guidance of Richard Bonynge and Joan Sutherland. Here she made her Scottish Opera debut, but would return for only two more roles.

Further performance dates to be added.


Scottish Opera's 1978-79 season

Scottish Opera's fourth season at the Theatre Royal (1978-79) opened with Simon Boccanegra, and continued with JenůfaCatiline Conspiracy then an unusual triple-bill of SavitriFanny Robin and Dido and Aeneas. Next came SeraglioRosenkavalierHansel and GretelFledermausMidsummer Night's DreamBohèmeKátya Kabanová and Rigoletto. In June there followed the company's first staging of a musical, Fiddler on the Roof. Many of these works were also toured.

Performance Cast

Marcello a painter

Michael Maurel

Rodolfo a poet

Dennis O'Neill

Colline a philosopher

William McCue

Schaunard a musician

Gordon Sandison

Benoit the students' landlord

Norman White

Mimì a seamstress

Isobel Buchanan

Parpignol a toy vendor

Peter Bodenham

Musetta a grisette

Patricia Hay

Alcindoro a wealthy follower of Musetta

Bruce Budd


Garrick Forbes

Custom-house Sergeant

Tano Rea

Performance DatesBohème 1979

Map List

Theatre Royal, Glasgow | Glasgow

8 Feb, 19.15

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