Opera Scotland

Carmen 1997Haddo House Choral & Operatic Society

Read more about the opera Carmen

This run of Carmen had several noteworthy features, not least the brief return to Scotland of star baritone Donald Maxwell, Escamillo not being a part he had sung here before.

The shorter baritone roles were taken by young performers - Scot Richard Morrison was not seen here much, but Richard Burkhard, Glasgow trained, became a regular visitor with both English Touring Opera and Scottish Opera. Alfie Boe returned for a second year, and would soon join Scottish Opera before achieving stardom. Heather Shipp has also enjoyed a successful career, particularly in the role of Carmen.

This was the first occasion on which Lady Aberdeen, the founder and guide of the organization for over half a century, relinquished some of the conducting duties to chorus master Simon Crookall. The director was Mark Tinkler, who, a few years before, had sung Moralès in Scottish Opera's first production of the opera, directed by Graham Vick.

Performance Cast

Moralès a corporal of dragoons

Richard Morrison

Micaëla a peasant girl

Rosalind Sutherland

Don José a corporal of dragoons

Mark Luther

Zuniga a lieutenant of dragoons

Jeremy Lemmon

Carmen a gypsy

Heather Shipp

Frasquita a gypsy, Carmen’s friend

Anne-Marie Hetherington

Mercédès a gypsy, Carmen’s friend

Suzanne Joyce

Lillas Pastia an innkeeper

Andrew Armstrong

Escamillo a toreador

Donald Maxwell

Dancaïre a smuggler

Richard Burkhard

Remendado a smuggler

Alfie Boe

Performance DatesCarmen 1997

Map List

Haddo House Hall | Ellon, Aberdeenshire

2 Apr, 19.30 3 Apr, 19.30 4 Apr, 19.30 5 Apr, 19.30

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