This run of Carmen had several noteworthy features, not least the brief return to Scotland of star baritone Donald Maxwell, Escamillo not being a part he had sung here before.
The shorter baritone roles were taken by young performers - Scot Richard Morrison was not seen here much, but Richard Burkhard, Glasgow trained, became a regular visitor with both English Touring Opera and Scottish Opera. Alfie Boe returned for a second year, and would soon join Scottish Opera before achieving stardom. Heather Shipp has also enjoyed a successful career, particularly in the role of Carmen.
This was the first occasion on which Lady Aberdeen, the founder and guide of the organization for over half a century, relinquished some of the conducting duties to chorus master Simon Crookall. The director was Mark Tinkler, who, a few years before, had sung Moralès in Scottish Opera's first production of the opera, directed by Graham Vick.
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