Opera Scotland

Carmina Burana 1995Dundee Choral Union

Read more about the opera Carmina Burana

One of the challenges for any organization that plans a performance of Carmina Burana is to decide what else to perform to fill the evening. With Dundee at the time being a largely opera-free zone, a selection of operatic hits was an entirely sensible way to begin. Thus we began with Verdi (the Overture to La forza del destino and the 'Va pensiero' chorus from Nabucco). Mozart was represented by the Zerlina/Giovanni duet 'Là ci darem la mano' from Don Giovanni The Wagner item was a choral highlight, the Entrance to the Hall of Song from Tannhäuser. The final items were the famous tenor/baritone duet from Bizet's Pearl Fishers and the Easter Hymn from Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana.

Performance DatesCarmina Burana 1995

Map List

Caird Hall | Dundee

23 Apr, 19.30

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