The Aberdeen Evening Express (2 April) reviewer wrote "If Mephistopheles dominated the action - and dominate it he did - in the Carl Rosa presentation of Faust, the night belonged to the glorious singing of Charles Craig as Faust and Una Hale as Marguerite. From the difficukt first scene, which he handled superbly, this Faust of Charles Craig gained in power and stature, and just when we thought he had reached the utmist limit, he drew on a seemingly inexhaustible reserve. Una Hale has never sung better, her intensity of feeling and purity and range of tone making this a memorable Marguerite - beautifully sung and magnificently acted. The Mephistopheles of Stanislav Pieczora was just right. He radiated an aura of evil, but never allowed his d.ramatics to overshadow his singing. The clarity of Arthur Copley as Valentin was particularly pleasing, and he made the most of his death scene...the chorus work - and it was so very important - was first-class and brought us some of the best moments of the evening. Arthus Hammond handled the isosyncracies of Gounod as only he can, and much of the success of the presentation must be credited to his energetic baton and his ressponsive orchestra"
The Carl Rosa's six-week 1954 Scottish tour began on 8th March with a three week stay in Glasgow, always one of its favourite dates. The repertoire was much as before, as the company, with no public subsidy, needed to generate all its income from ticket sales and minimize risk. Operas performed during the tour were by Gounod (Faust); (Bizet (Carmen); Offenbach (Tales of Hoffmann); Wagner (Tannhäuser); Verdi (Trovatore, Traviata); Puccini (Bohème, Butterfly); Mascagni (Cavalleria Rusticana); Leoncavallo (Pagliacci).
This was the company's final appearance in Aberdeen, where the repertoire was Mon Hoffmann; Tue Carmen; Wed Cav & Pag; Thu Faust; Fri Tannhäuser; Sat mat Butterfly; Sat eve Trovatore.
Carl Rosa Opera's six-week 1954 Scottish tour began on 8 March with a three week stay in Glasgow, always one of its favourite dates. This was followed by a week in Aberdeen (the last visit by the company), from 29 March, and two in Edinburgh from 5 April
The tour schedule was as follows:-
Glasgow w/c 8 Mar: Mon Tales of Hoffmann; Tue Bohème; Wed Barber of Seville; Thu Traviata; Fri Carmen; Sat m Butterfly; Sat e Cav & Pag.
Glasgow w/c 15 Mar: Mon Rigoletto; Tue Tales of Hoffmann; WEd Bohème; Thu Barber of Seville; Fri Traviata; Sat m Carmen; Sat e Butterfly.
Glasgow w/c 22 Mar: Mon Cav & Pag; Tue Traviata; Wed Tales of Hoffmann; Thu Tannhäuser; Fri Faust; Sat m Bohème; Sat e Carmen.
Aberdeen w/c 29 Mar 7.30: Mon Tales of Hoffmann; Tue Carmen; Wed Cav & Pag; Thu Faust; Fri 7.00 Tannhäuser; Sat m 2,30 Butterfly; Sat e Trovatore.
Edinburgh w/c 5 Apr 7.30: Mon Traviata; Tue Bohème; Wed Traviata; Thu Rigoletto; Fri Tannhäuser; Sat m 2.30 Butterfly; Sat e Cav & Pag.
Edinburgh w/c 12 Apr: Mon Carmen; Tue Faust; Wed Trovatore; Thu Tales of Hoffmann; Fri Cav & Pag; Sat m Bohème; Sat e Traviata.
The cast for 1 April is from a programme in Aberdeen City Library. There is also a programme for 13 April in Edinburgh Central Library which shows one cast change.
John Heddle Nash (12 April)
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