The review in the Aberdeen Evening Express (2 April) was headed 'Ovation on Ovation for Rigoletto.'
"There was an international flavour to Rigoletto, the first of three Verdi operas in the Carl Rosa Company's choice for Aberdeen audiences. To the well-known names of Joseph Satariano and Oreste Kirkop has been added Stanislav Pieczora, a Polish bass. Gwen Catley was there, of course, as a worthy representative of Britain. Rigoletto has always been a prime favourite with singer and auditorium. Last night's experience but added to the trend. It was a performance vocally of a high order, dramatic in content, orchestrally pleasurable, uniformly to the audience's liking. Joseph Satariano's Rigoletto has become one of the supreme joys of the company's visits. it is powerful vocally and emotionally. Gwen Catley's Gilda, too, is at its best in solo work in which she produces some wonderful notes. Oreste Kirkop becomes more dominating as the Duke of Mantua and Stanislav Pieczora clothes the villainy of Sparafucile with a sardonic humour and a voice that alike plead forgiveness for his grim trade. Maria Peer, as his sister, is also well cast. Once again Arthur Hammond produced some grand orchestral work. His interpretation is ever dramatic with never a nuance neglected. He brings the opera up and up and he stirs the audience to a genuine enthusiasm such as was expressed last night in ovation after ovation."
The cast is taken from a programme in Aberdeen library, with changes for 7 May taken from a programme for the performance archived in the National Library of Scotland.
The Carl Rosa tour of Scotland in 1952 was notable for its introduction of the new George Lloyd opera John Socman. However this was not brought to Aberdeen.
The full Scottish schedule was as follows:
Aberdeen (His Majesty's) - Week commencing 31 March: Mon Carmen, Tue Rigoletto, Wed Traviata, Thu Faust, Fri Barber of Seville, Sat mat Bohème, Sat eve Trovatore.
Edinburgh (King's) - Week commencing 7 April: Mon Flying Dutchman, Tue Bohème, Wed Barber of Seville, Thu Rigoletto, Fri John Socman, Sat mat Butterfly, Sar eve Faust.
Week commencing Monday 14 April: Mon Cav & Pag, Tue Traviata, Wed Trovatore, Thu Butterfly, Fri Tosca, Sat mat Bohème, Sat eve Carmen.
Glasgow (Theatre Royal) - Week commencing Monday 21 April: Mon Traviata, Tue Bohème, Wed Barber, Thu Dutchman, Fri Rigoletto, Sat mat Butterfly, Sat eve Faust.
W/c Monday 28 April: Mon Barber, Tue Hoffmann, Wed Butterfly, Thu Cav & Pag, Fri Carmen, Sat mat Bohème, Sat eve Trovatore.
Wk/c Monday 5 May: Mon Carmen, Tue Dutchman, Wed Rigoletto, Thu Faust, Fri John Socman, Sat mat Carmen, Sat eve Bohème.
Week commencing Monday 12 May: Mon Butterfly, Tue Tosca, Wed Hoffmann, Thu Trovatore, Fri Traviata, Sat mat Barber, Sat eve Cav & Pag.
Edna Graham (7 May)
Alice Gange (7 May)
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