Opera Scotland

Bohème 1952Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Bohème

The reviewer of the Aberdeen Evening Express (7 April) argued "contrasting performances marked the last day of the Carl Rosa Opera Company's week at His Majesty's Theatre. In the afternoon, Puccini's La bohème charmed in practically every phase.  At night, Verdi's Il Trovatore fell flat in comparison. One was all life; the other listless....it was rather remarkable that the week opened and ended on the least impressive notes."

"...there was no denying the fervour and vocal heroics imparted by Una Hale, Oreste Kirkop, Stanislav Pieczora and Redvers Llewellyn to their Puccini roles, nor the inciveness of Maurits Sillem's conducting."

The Carl Rosa tour of Scotland in 1952 was notable for its introduction of the new George Lloyd opera John Socman. However this was not brought to Aberdeen.

The full Scottish schedule was as follows:

Aberdeen (His Majesty's) - Week commencing 31 March: Mon Carmen, Tue Rigoletto, Wed Traviata, Thu Faust, Fri Barber of Seville, Sat mat Bohème, Sat eve Trovatore.

Edinburgh (King's) - Week commencing 7 April: Mon Flying Dutchman, Tue Bohème, Wed Barber of Seville, Thu Rigoletto, Fri John Socman, Sat mat Butterfly, Sar eve Faust.

Week commencing Monday 14 April: Mon Cav & Pag, Tue Traviata, Wed Trovatore, Thu Butterfly, Fri Tosca, Sat mat Bohème, Sat eve Carmen.

Glasgow (Theatre Royal) - Week commencing Monday 21 April: Mon Traviata, Tue Bohème, Wed Barber, Thu Dutchman, Fri Rigoletto, Sat mat Butterfly, Sat eve Faust.

W/c Monday 28 April: Mon Barber, Tue Hoffmann, Wed Butterfly, Thu Cav & Pag, Fri Carmen, Sat mat Bohème, Sat eve Trovatore.

Wk/c Monday 5 May: Mon Carmen, Tue Dutchman, Wed Rigoletto, Thu Faust, Fri John Socman, Sat mat Carmen, Sat eve Bohème.

Week commencing Monday 12 May: Mon Butterfly, Tue Tosca, Wed Hoffmann, Thu Trovatore, Fri Traviata, Sat mat Barber, Sat eve Cav & Pag.


Cast details are from a programme in Aberdeen City Library.

Performance Cast

Rodolfo a poet

Oreste Kirkop

Marcello a painter

Redvers Llewellyn

Colline a philosopher

Stanislav Pieczora

Schaunard a musician

Frederick Wood

Benoit the students' landlord

Liddell Peddieson

Mimì a seamstress

Una Hale

Parpignol a toy vendor

Frederick Lloyd

Musetta a grisette

Edna Graham

Alcindoro a wealthy follower of Musetta

Richard Golding

Custom-house Sergeant

Eric Shepherd

Performance DatesBohème 1952

Map List

His Majesty's Theatre, Aberdeen | Aberdeen

5 Apr, 14.30

King's Theatre, Edinburgh | Edinburgh

19 Apr, 19.15

Theatre Royal, Glasgow | Glasgow

2 May, 19.15 5 May, 19.15 10 May, 14.00

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