A single performance of Valkyrie was initially announced for Glasgow Theatre Royal on the evening of Wednesday, 28 February. However Harry Brindle, scheduled to sing Hunding, suffered a sudden indisposition and patrons arrived at the theatre for the early start (7.00pm) to find that, while they were still to see a Wagner work, Tannhäuser had been substituted.
At first it might seem unlikely that this large-scale piece should be given in Perth, the smallest theatre on the tour. However this week was originally scheduled for performance in Glasgow, and since the company had not performed the opera for several weeks they would no doubt feel the need to give it a run through. The local pit band were probably completely unfamiliar with their parts and would have to learn them quickly - or perhaps the company's touring players and principals would be the only musicians required in this intimate auditorium.
No programme for either Tannhäuser performance has been located as yet. Company information is from a programme for w/c 5 March in the collection of the V&A, London. The Glasgow Herald of Thursday, 1 March reviewed the previous evening's performance, listing the major roles - only the other Minnesingers being omitted.
''At very short notice Tannhäuser was staged, and in the circumstances was given a very good performance. For Tannhäuser is more full than many operas of difficult places, particularly as regards ensemble, and there is the further disadvantage that it is very well known to the public. It is pleasant to be able to record therefore that the chorus of male pilgrims sang better than usual, and that the orchestra showed a distinct improvement on some of their previous performances of this opera, particularly in their playing of the overture. The accompaniments during the first half of act three are still too scrappy, the wood-winds being badly chorded and untidy in their entries. The choruses for female voices in acts one and two are not well done, and though there are difficulties here they are not insurmountable. On the other hand the elaborate ensembles of the second act were very well given last evening and were thoroughly dramatic in effect.
''Miss Eva Turner was, as always, a successful Elizabeth, both as singer and actress, and found a worthy artistic partner in Mr John Perry as Tannhäuser. Mr Appleton Moore, who has been doing much good work during the current opera season, was a sympathetic Wolfram. His voice has the right quality for this part, and he can make eloquent use of it. It is, therefore, all the more to be regretted that his tone is so unsteady in sustained singing. Mr Frederick Clendon as the Landgrave and Miss Eva Colton as Venus were also effective in their respective roles.''
For full details of the Royal Carl Rosa's 1923 Scottish tour, see under the entries for Aïda, Maritana, Lohengrin, Carmen, Tales of Hoffmann or Bohemian Girl.
John Perry (Feb 28)
Eva Colton (Feb 28)
Jose Malone (Feb 28)
Appleton Moore (Feb 28)
Frederick Clendon (Feb 28)
Eva Turner (Feb 28)
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