A review in the Scotsman, of Wednesday 25 January (p2) is enthusiastic about the quality of performance:-
''Last night Norma was given for the benefit of Madame Caradori, whose personation of the High Priestess is one of her most successful efforts. The music throughout she gave with that intensity of feeling and brilliancy of execution which characterise all her performances. At the termination of the second act and at the close of the opera, she was called before the curtain to receive the plaudits of the audience.
''Herr Formes, as Oroveso. was as great as ever, his magnificent voice telling through every corner of the crowded theatre. Herr Reichardt as the Roman Proconsul, and Madame Zimmermann as Adalgisa, acquitted themselves well. The attendance, with the exception of the upper gallery, was as great as on Monday; boxes and stalls being full, and the pit completely crammed.''
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