The cast details for 11 March are from a copy of the programme in the OperaScotland collection. Further details are taken from a programme archived in Edinburgh's Central Libray.
A Glasgow Review
The Glasgow Herald reviewer (12 May) wrote "it was not till after the half-way stage...that the singing and acting reached a level worthy of such a company."
"The first two acts were more or less a dreary procession of mediocre attempts at dramatic gesture and movement and equally mediocre singing. Charles Craig, as Alfred Germont, was the only principal who could be singled out as showing the necessary qualities for the part. If he could have infused a little more warmth into his singing at times, his indeed would have been an excellent performance. Elizabeth Theilmann's study of Violetta was lacking in sincerity until the final tragic act was reached, and a persistent tremolo marred all but her powerful high notes. The George Germont conjured up by Arthur Copley became a melodramatic Victorian father instead of the dignified figure he should be.
'Some of the best moments came from the chorus, who sang well throughout the evening. The orchestra, with Arthus Hammond conducting, played sensitively, and kept a better balance with the singers than on previous evenings."
The Carl Rosa Scottish Tour - 1954
Carl Rosa Opera's six-week 1954 Scottish tour began on 8 March with a three week stay in Glasgow, always one of its favourite dates. This was followed by a week in Aberdeen (the last visit by the company), from 29 March, and two in Edinburgh from 5 April
The tour schedule was as follows:-
Glasgow w/c 8 Mar: Mon Tales of Hoffmann; Tue Bohème; Wed Barber of Seville; Thu Traviata; Fri Carmen; Sat m Butterfly; Sat e Cav & Pag.
Glasgow w/c 15 Mar: Mon Rigoletto; Tue Tales of Hoffmann; WEd Bohème; Thu Barber of Seville; Fri Traviata; Sat m Carmen; Sat e Butterfly.
Glasgow w/c 22 Mar: Mon Cav & Pag; Tue Traviata; Wed Tales of Hoffmann; Thu Tannhäuser; Fri Faust; Sat m Bohème; Sat e Carmen.
Aberdeen w/c 29 Mar 7.30: Mon Tales of Hoffmann; Tue Carmen; Wed Cav & Pag; Thu Faust; Fri 7.00 Tannhäuser; Sat m 2,30 Butterfly; Sat e Trovatore.
Edinburgh w/c 5 Apr 7.30: Mon Traviata; Tue Bohème; Wed Traviata; Thu Rigoletto; Fri Tannhäuser; Sat m 2.30 Butterfly; Sat e Cav & Pag.
Edinburgh w/c 12 Apr: Mon Carmen; Tue Faust; Wed Trovatore; Thu Tales of Hoffmann; Fri Cav & Pag; Sat m Bohème; Sat e Traviata.
Elizabeth Theilmann (Mar 11; May 11)
David Kelly (Mar 11)
Richard Golding (Mar 11)
Julia Bouttell (Mar 11)
Ernest Thomas (Mar 11)
Edwin Jepps (Mar 11)
Charles Craig (Mar 11; May 11)
Esther Martin (Mar 11)
Peter Murray (Mar 11)
Arthur Copley (Mar 11, May 11)
Geoffrey de Latour (Mar 11)
Joan Weston (Mar 11)
Arthur Hammond (Mar 11; May 11)
Maurits Sillem (Apr 7)
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