The Glasgow Herald (14 May) gave the names of only two artists, doubtless in deference to the verdict on the performance, "disappointing after their performances of the last fortnight. The Mozart score is revealing and needs deft handling from singers and players alike, but this was often absent from last night's performance, which had many ragged edges and loose ends.
''The principals were not altogether suited to their parts and the balance in the ensembles often left much to be desired. Generally the diction was not up to standard,particularly that of Donna Elvira and the peasant Masetto. On the credit side, Don Giovanni, sung by john Heddle Nash, and Leporello (Stanislav Pieczora) were both convincing, although the former showed a tendency to hurry occasionally, and between them they provided most of the lively moments of the evening.
''The sets were effective in ideas and design, if somewhat lacking in substance, but in spite of the date the stage management must take their share of responsibility for protracted scene-waits and some unfortunate incidents of timing.''
Further cast details to be confirmed.
The Carl Rosa Scottish Schedule - 1955
The eleven operas performed during the tour were: Mozart (Don Giovanni); Rossini (Barber of Seville); Wagner (Tannhäuser); Verdi (Rigoletto, Trovatore); Gounod (Faust); Offenbach (Tales of Hoffmann); Bizet (Carmen); Leoncavallo (Pagliacci); Puccini (Bohème); Mascagni (Cavalleria Rusticana).
The full tour schedule was:
Glasgow, w/c 2 May: Mon 2 Bohème; Tue 3 Barber of Seville; Wed 4 Cav & Pag; Thu 5 Faust; Fri 6 Tannhäuser; Sat 7 mat Bohème; Sat 7 eve Carmen.
Glasgow, w/c 9 May: Mon 9 Tales of Hoffmann; Tue 10 Rigoletto; Wed 11 Bohème; Thu 12 Cav & Pag; Fri 13 Don Giovanni; Sat 14 mat Barber of Seville; Sat 14 eve Trovatore.
The intervening week, commencing Monday, 16 May, was spent at the Globe Theatre, Stockton-on-Tees.
Dundee, w/c 23 May: Mon 23 Bohème; Tue 24 Rigoletto; Wed 25 mat Barber of Seville; Wed 25 eve Cav & Pag; Thu 26 Faust; Fri 27 Barber of Seville; Sat 28 mat Bohème; Sat 28 eve Trovatore.
Stanislav Pieczora (May 13)
John Heddle Nash (May 13)
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