Opera Scotland

Mignon 1914Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Mignon


An Edinburgh Review

Scotsman:  Friday, 20 February 1914  (p4)

The Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company - Mignon

'Ambroise Thomas's romantic opera Mignon was performed last night at the Lyceum to a good audience.  It may be recalled that in 1911, the centenary year of the birth of the eminent French composer who wrote this opera in 1866, the Carl Rosa Company revived it in Edinburgh, and three of the members of the cast on that occasion took part last night in a performance which attained to a high level of excellence.  There is in the work all the essentials of a popular opera.  It has a romantic and dramatic story;  the orchestation is graceful and harmonious;  from the vocal point of view the music is exceedingly interesting, and the opera contains two airs of superb beauty which have been popularised by some of the best singers during the past eight and forty years.

'Miss Doris Woodall again achieved a vocal and dramatic success in the role of Mignon.  The music suited her admirably, and she found scope, especially in the second act,  for a display of the eminent gifts of an actress which she possesses.  The great song of the opera, ''Knowest thou that dear land,'' was sung with fine emotional feeling and in perfect voice.  Miss Beatrice Miranda was in her old part of Filina, the actress, which she fills in so delightful a manner.  She acted with a dainty grace, and the purity and flexibility of her highly trained soprano voice was heard to advantage in the well-known polonaise, ''I am Titania'' - written in the old Italian manner with much embroidery and many trills - which she sang with brilliancy of effect.

'The Lothario was again Mr Arthur Winckworth, who acted with dignity and sang with great artistry.  From an acting point of view, Mr Gordon Thomas rather missed investing the important part of Wilhelm with an adequate romantic flavour; but he was in good voice, and rendered with taste and fervour the two tenor songs.   Mr Frederick Clendon was an excellent Laertes, and Miss Phyllis Davies looked well as the young gallant Frederick, and rendered the gavotte, ''Here am I in beauty's room,'' in a satisfactory way.  The opera was beautifully staged, the chorus sang with spirit, and the orchestra, under Mr Goossens, played with distinction.'


Carl Rosa in Scotland - 1914

The 1914 season was unusual in that it was restricted to five weeks in total, and all those in the central belt.   One week at Greenock (King's), and two in Edinburgh (Lyceum), were followed by two in Glasgow (Theatre Royal).

The somewhat reduced repertoire consited of twelve operas in all.  These were by Mozart (Marriage of Figaro,  Magic Flute);  Wallace (Maritana);  Wagner (Tannhäuser,  Lohengrin);  Verdi (Trovatore Aïda);  Thomas (Mignon);  Gounod (Faust)  Offenbach  (Tales of Hoffmann);  Bizet (Carmen);  Wolf-Ferrari (Jewels of the Madonna).

The five-week tour schedule was as follows:

Greenock:  w/c 9 February:   Mon 9  Magic Flute;  Tue 10  Carmen;  Wed 11  Tales of Hoffmann;  Thu 12  Trovatore;  Fri 13  Jewels of the Madonna;  Sat 14 m  Tannhäuser;   Sat 14 e  Maritana.

Edinburgh:  w/c 16 February:  Mon 16 Tales of Hoffmann;  Tue 17 Carmen;  Wed 18 Lohengrin;  Thu 19 Mignon;  Fri  20 Jewels of the Madonna;  Sat 21 m Tales of Hoffmann;  Sat 21 e Faust.

Edinburgh: w/c 23 February:  Mon 23 Tales of Hoffmann;  Tue 24 Marriage of Figaro;  Wed 25 Tannhäuser;  Thu 26 Magic Flute;  Fri 27 Tales of Hoffmann;  Sat 28 m Jewels of the Madonna;  Sat 28 e Trovatore.

Glasgow:  w/c 2 March;  Mon 2 Tales of Hoffmann;  Tue 3 Mignon;  Wed 4 Tannhäuser;  Thu 5 Jewels of the Madonna;  Fri 6 Magic Flute; Sat 7 m Tales of Hoffmann;  Sat 7 e  Trovatore.

Glasgow:  w/c 9 March:  Mon 9 Carmen;  Tue 10 Marriage of Figaro;  Wed 11 Tales of Hoffmann;  Thu 12 Maritana;  Fri  13 Aïda;  Sat 14 m Faust;  Sat 14 e Tales of Hoffmann

Performance Cast

Mignon stolen in childhood

Doris Woodall (Feb 19)

Philine an actress

Beatrice Miranda (Feb 19)

Frédéric a young nobleman

Phyllis Davies (Feb 19)

Wilhelm Meister a student

Gordon Thomas (Feb 19)

Laërte an actor

Frederick Clendon (Feb 19)

Lothario a wandering minstrel

Arthur Winckworth (Feb 19)

Performance DatesMignon 1914

Map List

King's Theatre, Edinburgh | Edinburgh

19 Feb, 19.30

Theatre Royal, Glasgow | Glasgow

3 Mar, 19.15

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