Opera Scotland

Faust 1910Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Faust

During the two weeks commencing 28 February, the King's Edinburgh was used by the Denhof Opera Company to stage two cycles of the Ring, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (matnee) each week.  The Carl Rosa booked the remaining evenings and on the Monday and Tuesday made a short trip out of town.  They visited Falkirk for two nights only, following a performance of Carmen on Monday 28 February with one of Faust the next night.  The following week, when the second cycle started, they repeated the programme in Kirkcaldy.

Cast details for 1 March are from the review in the Falkirk Herald for Saturday, 5 March.  For the final night of the Glasgow season, Saturday 26 March, details are from Monday's Scottish Referee.


Falkirk Preview

Falkirk Herald:  Saturday, 19 February 1910  (p5)

Carl Rosa Opera Company

'The advance booking for the visit of the celebrated Carl Rosa Opera Company has been most satisfactory and points to highly successful as well as interesting nights of grand opera in the theatre on Monday, 28th February and Tuesday, 1st March.  Carmen is to be produced on the Monday evening, when Mr Van Noorden will conduct, Carmen being played by Miss Doris Woodall and José by Mr Edward Davies.  In Faust, the attraction for Tuesday, Marguerite will be played by Miss Beatrice Miranda, with Mr Walter Wheatley as Faust, and Mr Arthur Winckworth as Mephistopheles.  Mr Eugene Goossens will be conductor.  The large orchestra, over forty in number, will necessitate the removal of the entire first two rows of the orchestra stalls.  In view of this great musical event, and the interest it has aroused,  seats should be booked at once to avoid disappointment.

'We are informed by Mr H W Ebbutt, resident manager of the theatre, that owing to the phenomenal bookings and to the fact that the first rows of orchestra stalls will not be available, they having to be removed entirely to make way for the very large orchestra of over 40 performers, the management have, at the request of a large number of patrons who have been disappointed in not being able to book seats in the orchestra stalls,  arranged to reserve the first four rows of the pit, and convert them into pit stalls.  The price of these seats will be 2s. or, if booked,  2s 6d.  As these seats are in much demand, early application is advisable.'


The Falkirk Review

Falkirk Herald: Saturday, 5 March 1910  (p5)


'The excellent impression made by the first performance was confirmed on Tuesday evening, when Gounod's Faust was given to another packed house.  The classic work, of course, made more severe demands upon the forces of Mr Eugene Goossens, who conducted, than the lighter work on Monday evening, but the performance as a whole was not a whit less worthy or enjoyable.

'Marguerite was played by a young artiste, Miss Beatrice Miranda,  who showed exceptional promise both in histrionic power and musical charm.  Her singing in particular evoked the warmest praise, and in the garden scene, where the burden of the work devolved upon her,, she was little short of the ideal in her union of graceful action and sweet and expressive song.  The ''Jewel Sng'' was admirable in execution and feeling, and the fine impression this scene left was subsequently heightened in the prison scene, where the artist excelled in the triumphant climax, and revealed to the audience the full measure of her powers.

'The Faust of Mr Walter Wheatley was the true one of the responsive and ardent lover, moved to all the fine ecstacies of being through contact with the fresh and lovely Marguerite. His performance was distinguished by artistic finish, and his singing left little to be desired in point of effectiveness and entire command of the music.  The admirable qualities of his fine tenor voice were at once recognised in all the great scenes which have made Faust classic.

'Mr Arthur Winckworth's Mephistophelles was a great piece of work, and its greatness was due to the fact that it was done almost entirely without exaggeration.  In spite of that, Mr Winckworth's creation imposed itself to a remarkable degree on the feeling of the audience as the malign influence conducing to the inherent tragedy of the love of Faust for Marguerite.  From first scene to last the artist lent distinction to the performance, which gained strength from the powerful use he made of his superb voice.

'The Valentine of Mr Hebden Foster was noteworthy for excellent acting and no less excellent singing, which made this minor part one of the most interesting in the cast.  The remaining parts, however, could hardly have been in better hands.  Miss Annie Van Dyck as Siébel, sang in a highly cultured and beautifully modulated mezzo-soprano, while Miss Douglas Wilson's Martha and Mr Alex Richard's Wagner were also eminently satisfactory.

'The chorus work deserves special mention, if only for the manner in which the ''Soldiers' Chorus'' was rendered.  It created a rare enthusiasm in the audience.  Mr Goossens conducted most able, and Faust lacked nothing scenically as well as orchestrally, for an ideal presentation.

'Falkirk's ''musical festival'' has been of all too short duration, but it has been abundantly appreciated.  The hope may be expressed that it has brought a worthy return to its promoters, who deserve well of the public for their enterprise.'


The Last Night in Glasgow

Scottish Referee:  Monday, 28 March 1910  (p6)

Carl Rosa Opera Company - Closing Performances

'On Saturday evening a splendid performance of Gounod's ever-popular,  melodious Faust was given to a crowded and appreciative house.   Miss Beatrice Miranda achieved further distinction as a highly cultured artiste, the role of Margerite being well suited to her, and her singing, particularly in the prison scene, aroused enthusiastic admiration.

'Mr Wheatley's Faust is well known and he quite repeated his best successes, while Mr Wnckworth, if not the most satanic Mephistopheles gave an effective rendering of the part.  Mr Foster achieved a distinct success as Valentine and Miss Archibald proved an acceptable Siebel.  The chorus and orchestra were  under the skilful baton of Mr Goossens, and their splendid work was fittingly rewarded at the end of the Kermesse scene, and in an enthusiastic demand for a repeat of the Soldiers' Chorus, which was granted.'

Performance Cast

Faust a learned doctor

Walter Wheatley (Mar 1, 26)

Méphistophélès the devil

Arthur Winckworth (Mar 1, 26)

Valentin Marguerite's brother

Hebden Foster (Mar 1, 26)

Wagner a student of Dr Faust

Alexander Richard (Mar 1)


Beatrice Miranda (Mar 1, 26)

Siébel a student of Dr Faust, in love with Marguerite

Annie Van Dyck (Mar 1)

Phyllis Archibald (Mar 26)

Marthe a neighbour

Jean Douglas-Wilson (Mar 1)

Performance DatesFaust 1910

Map List

Grand Theatre and Opera House | Falkirk

1 Mar, 19.30

King's Theatre, Kirkcaldy | Kirkcaldy

8 Mar, 19.30

King's Theatre, Edinburgh | Edinburgh

12 Mar, 19.30

Grand Theatre, Glasgow | Glasgow

26 Mar, 19.30

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