Edinburgh Press Report
Scotsman: Saturday, 12 March 1910 (p8)
The Carl Rosa Opera Company
'Few of the well-known operas make so wide and so well-sustained an appeal as Tannhäuser It was presented last night by the Carl Rosa Compsny in the King's Theatre; and the dimensions and appreciativeness of the audience were testimony that it still holds a foremost place in popularaity. Its presentation last night was of a thoroughly satisfactory character. Without disparagement to the admirable work of the principals, it may be said that the most notable feature of the performance was the fine balance andcumulative effect of the various forces engaged. It was a performance inspiring and impressive, and satisfying a high ideal of the composer's conception. In achieving this result credit is due not only to the smooth and carefully accented playing of the orchestra, under Mr Eugene Goossens, to the well-trained chorus, and the singing and acting of the principals, but also to the fine staging of the piece.
'In this respect the mystic element of the opera was reflected by the stage arrangements in the opening scene, while the magnificence of the Hall of Song scene was in entire keeping with the grandeur of the music. Mr Hedtmont, in the principal pat, sang and acted with his accustomed verve. Miss Gertrude Vania submitted an admirable imperonation of Elizabeth. Her clear, flexible voice was easily equal to the demands of the music, while her acting was impressive and convincing. The finale to the second act, as sustained by Miss Vania and Mr Hedmondt and the other male voices, was a remarkably impressive effort. Mr Charles Victor sang in a full sonorous voice, and acted effectively in the part of Wolfram. Mr Frederick Clendon gave a capital account of the Landgrave. Miss Tilly Addington sang attractively in the part of Venus, and Miss Lawson Taylor's shepherd boy song was pleasingly rendered.
'The large audience contributed to a highly successful performance by their close and appreciative attention, and the principals were loudly applauded at the end of each act..
Tilly Addington (Mar 11)
Charles Hedmondt (Mar 11)
Dorothy Lawson-Taylor (Mar 11)
Charles Victor (Mar 11)
Frederick Clendon (Mar 11)
Gertrude Vania (Mar 11)
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