A short review of the Greenock performance appeared in the Greenock Telegraph (1 March) saying "From beginning to end the performance was an unqualified delight. Both airs and choruses were impressively rendered. Miss Grace Nicoll was a charming and effective Leonora. Very fascinating was the singing of the well-known number 'Twas night, and all around was still' and equally satisfying was the clear and dramatic delivery by Miss Doris Woodall (Azucena) of the passionate song 'fierce flames are raging'. The part of Manrico was finely sustained by Mr Edward Davoes, and that of Count di Luna was efficiently filled by Mr Albert German, who appeared in place of Mr Charles Victor, temporarily disabled by a slight cold. The chorusing, orchestration, and ensemble were again all that could be desired."
There were cast changes by the time of a later performance (Glasgow Herald review 14 March).
""...The grat demands made dramatically as well as vocally upon the players of the leading parts were very well met. Miss Grace Nicoll as Leonora may suffer by comparison with some of the very distinguished interpreters of the part seen in GLasgow, but she nevertheless sang with much acceptance, notably in the Miserere scene, while she proved efficient on the dramatic side. Mr Edward Davies was not by any means the tamely romantic troubadour we have sometimes seen as Manrico, and, although his singing at times appeared to be forced, he was always safe. Mr Charles Victor, as was to be expected from his fine reputation as an actor, emphasised the dramatic side of the part he essayed (Count di Luna), and despite a somewhat painful indisposition he sang well. The gipsy, Azucena, by Miss Marie Alexander, was portrayed with sufficient fervour. The chorus and orchestra performed their share of the work very satisfactorily under the baton of Mr Eugene Goossens, and the audience were quite enthusiastic at the end of each act."
The full Carl Rosa itinerary in Scotland for 1906 was
One week w/c 26 Feb at the Alexandria, Greenock then three weeks in Glasgow (w/c 5 Mar; 12 Mar; 19 Mar) at the Grand; 7.30pm and 2pm
Four weeks, seven performances. Twenty-eight.
w/c 26 Feb Mon Tannhauser; Tue Bohemian Girl; Wed Trovatore; Thu Carmen; Fri Lohengrin; Sat m Faust; Sat e Maritana.
w/c 5 Mar Mon Tannhauser; Tue Carmen; Wed Marriage of Figaro; Thu Faust; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Fidelio; Sat e Bohemian Girl
w/c 12 Mar Mon Lohengrin; Tue Trovatore; Wed Fidelio; Thu Rigoletto; Fri Don Giovanni; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Maritana
w/c 19 Mar Mon Fidelio; Tue Rigoletto; Wed Trovatore; Thu Tristan and Isolde; Fri Fidelio; Sat m Don Giovanni; Sat e Carmen.
4 Fidelio
3 Tannhauser; Carmen; Rigoletto; Trovatore.
2 Maritana; Bohemian Girl; Lohengrin; Faust; Don Giovanni.
1 Tristan and Isolde; Marriage of Figaro.
Marie Alexander (13 March)
Charles Victor (13 March)
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