The Greenock Telegraph (3 March) reported of the second act, "The spectacular effects in this act are particlarly gorgeous, including the procession to the church. ... The opera has been splendidly staged, and the performance last night was adequate. Herr Julius Walther had evidently not recovered from the hoarseness which necessitated his withdrawal from Carmen the previous evening; he had difficluty in getting his voise awaye, though he had several brilliant high A's. His acting was splendid, but in several of the more tender situations he hung so closely to Elsa as to endanger the clear delivery of her work."
Mr Arthur Winckworth was very successful as Henry the Fowler (the King), a voice of good, round tone being backed up by a dignity and decision of carriage appropriate to the part he filled.
Perhaps the most noteworthy of the gentlemen was Mr Charles Victor, who gave a powerful interpretation of the part of Telramund. It was apparent he was suffering from cold, but as he warmed to his work his voice improved. In the night scene with Ortrud, where amidst the darkness he reviles his wife for the part she has played, his voice took on inflections of scorn, rage and despair, while every word she sang was plainly heard in all parts of the crowded house. The declamatory work of the Herald suited admirably Mr Frank Arthur's extremely clear and telling voice, though a little more steam would have improved his movements. Miss Grace Nicoll undertook the role of Elsa with evident acceptance to the audience. From the moment when she first appears st the summons of the King to the last scene, where on Lohengrin's leaving her she falls lifeless to the ground, her work was full of distinction and and powerful interpretation, while her singing was ever true, sympathetic and clear as a bell. Miss Hanna Mara as Ortrud did not always show distinct enunciation, but gave a rendering of the part which was on a par with that of Miss Nicoll.
The orchestra, under Mr Eugene Goossens, was admirable throughout, in spite of some of the brass being at times out of tune. It was a pity that perfect silence did not obtain in the audience during the introductions to the acts. The organ came in once or twice with marked effect. Altogether the performance was a great success."
The critic in the Glasgow Herald (13 March) wrote "The Carl Rosa Company did not suffer from the surfeit of musical instructions in the city last night. They began the second week of their run at the Grand Theatre with Lohengrin, and the house was very well filled. A particularly strong cast was entrusted with the performance, and the audience had the pleasure of listening to a completely successful rendering of the opera. Among the works of Wagner that appeal most widely to that section of the musical masses which is not too favourably disposed towards the master's greater music dramas, Lohengrin is almost an equal favourite with Tannhauser. perhaps its attractiveness is to be found chiefly in the sublimity of the music rather than in the strength of the dramatic situations, strong though those undoubtedly are, in the climax at the end of each act. Last night the work went splendidly from start to finish. There were no weak spots, and in the orchestra, where the beauties of Lohengrin are so often marred, Mr Goossens got his forces through their duties very smoothly. As already indicated, the principal roles were sustained worthily. Miss Grace Nicoll gave further indications of her fine qualities as a singer by her appearance in the part of Elsa. Herr Walther's Lohengrin, from the dramatic and vocal point of view alike, reached a high level of excellence. Mr Winckworth and Mr Frank Arthur filled the roles of Henry the Fowler and the Herald respectively with distinction, and Mr Charles Victor, though still suffering badly from neuralgia, was able to sustain the part of Telramund very creditably. Miss Hanna Mara achieved much success as Ortrud. The opera was finely staged.
The full Carl Rosa itinerary in Scotland for 1906 was
One week w/c 26 Feb at the Alexandria, Greenock then three weeks in Glasgow (w/c 5 Mar; 12 Mar; 19 Mar) at the Grand; 7.30pm and 2pm
Four weeks, seven performances. Twenty-eight.
w/c 26 Feb Mon Tannhauser; Tue Bohemian Girl; Wed Trovatore; Thu Carmen; Fri Lohengrin; Sat m Faust; Sat e Maritana.
w/c 5 Mar Mon Tannhauser; Tue Carmen; Wed Marriage of Figaro; Thu Faust; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Fidelio; Sat e Bohemian Girl
w/c 12 Mar Mon Lohengrin; Tue Trovatore; Wed Fidelio; Thu Rigoletto; Fri Don Giovanni; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Maritana
w/c 19 Mar Mon Fidelio; Tue Rigoletto; Wed Trovatore; Thu Tristan and Isolde; Fri Fidelio; Sat m Don Giovanni; Sat e Carmen.
4 Fidelio
3 Tannhauser; Carmen; Rigoletto; Trovatore.
2 Maritana; Bohemian Girl; Lohengrin; Faust; Don Giovanni.
1 Tristan and Isolde; Marriage of Figaro.
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