Opera Scotland

Trovatore 1908Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Trovatore

The Scotsman review (8 April) opened "The opera is one that is singularly rich in charming music.  That is has lost none of its popularity was evidenced by the size and character of last night's audience.  The theatre was crowded.  The performance was impressive and satisfying.  Mr Walter Wheatley's Manrico was marked by graceful acting and brilliant singing, while Mr Shellard's Count was equally satisfactory.  As Leonora, Miss Elizabeth Burgess attained a high degree of excellence.  Miss Doris Woodall gave a personation of Azucena which was strikingly dramatic and artistically complete.  All the familiar numbers were enthusiastically applauded, and the artistes were frequently called before the curtain."

The company's 1908 tour included two weeks at the Glasgow Grand, one at the Alexandra, Greenock and finally two at Edinburgh King’s Theatre.

The full schedule was:-

Glasgow w/c 9 Mar: Mon Carmen; Tue Cav & Pag; Wed Trovatore; Thu Lohengrin; Fri Esmeralda; Sat m Fidelio; Sat e Rigoletto.

Glasgow w/c 16 Mar: Mon Don Giovanni; Tue Otello; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Faust; Fri Carmen; Sat m Tannhäuser; Sat e Trovatore.

Greenock w/c 23 Mar: Mon Carmen; Tue Tannhäuser; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Cav & Pag; Fri Esmeralda; Sat m Faust; Sat e Trovatore.

Edinburgh w/c 30 Mar: Mon Carmen; Tue Faust; Wed Lohengrin; Thu Don Giovanni; Fri Esmeralda; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Rigoletto.

Edinburgh w/c 6 Apr: Mon Cav & Pag; Tue Trovatore; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Marriage of Figaro; Fri Otello; Sat m Carmen; Sat e Maritana.

In summary: Carmen (5); Trovatore (4); Cav & Pag, Esmeralda, Bohemian Girl, Faust, Tannhäuser (3); Lohengrin, Rigoletto, Don Giovanni, Otello (2) and Fidelio, Marriage of Figaro, Maritana (1).

Thirty-five performances of thirteen operas plus the double bill of Cav and Pag.

Performance Cast

Azucena a Biscayan gypsy woman

Doris Woodall

Count di Luna a young noble of Aragon

Dillon Shallard

Manrico a chieftain under the Prince of Biscay

Walter Wheatley

Leonora a Duchess, lady-in-waiting to the Princess of Aragon

Elizabeth Burgess

Production Cast


Charles Jefferys

Performance DatesTrovatore 1908

Map List

Grand Theatre, Glasgow | Glasgow

11 Mar, 19.30 21 Mar, 19.30

Alexandra Theatre | Greenock

28 Mar, 00.00 29 Mar, 00.00

King's Theatre, Edinburgh | Edinburgh

7 Apr, 19.30

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