The reviewer in the Scotsman (24 February) wrote "judging from the appearance of the house, the selection was appreciated by the public, for every part of the theatre was well filled. The opera throws a severe strain on the soloists....Miss Burgess, as Donna Elvira, sang throughout with excellent taste. She was particularly successful in the air, 'Cruel heart, thou hast betrayed me' in which her pure tones were heard to advantage. Madame Hill has a voice of excellent quality, full and rich, and in Zerlina she has a part fro which she is eminently suitable. Her most successful effort was the song in the third act, "Come, shall I tell thee?" There were loud demands for the repetition of the song, but the lady contented herself with bowing her acknowledgments. Miss Miranda was a charming Donna Anna, and sang with all her accustomed sweetness. Mr Arthur Winckworth supplied the humour of the piece. His rollicking style, added to his splendid bass voice, suited the part of Leporello to perfection. Mr Victor as the Don had much to do, but his tone was as good at the end as at the beginning. Mr Davies appeared in his old character of Don Ottavio; Mr Richard was the Commandant; and Mr Clendon, Masetto. The acting was good, the chorus sang well, and the band did justice to the beautiful orchestration of the opera."
The reviewer did not note the name of the conductor.
The company's Scottish performances in 1909 involved one week at the Alexandria, Greenock, one week at the New Gaiety, Ayr followed by two at Edinburgh's King's Theatre and two at the Glasgow Grand.
The full schedule of 42 performances was:-
w/c 8 Feb Mon Lohengrin; Tue Merry Wives of Windsor; Wed Maritana; Thu Rigoletto; Fri Carmen; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Faust.
w/c 15 Feb Mon Carmen Tue Faust; Wed Lohengrin; Thu Bohemian Girl; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Trovatore.
w/c 22 Feb Mon Lohengrin; Tue Don Giovanni; Wed Carmen; Thu Merry Wives of Windsor; Fri Marriage of Figaro; Sat m Cav and Pag; Sat e Trovatore
w/c 1 Mar Mon Carmen; Tue Marriage of Figaro; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Cav and Pag; Fri Esmeralda; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Faust.
w/c 8 Mar Mon Lohengrin; Tue Carmen; Wed Marriage of Figaro; Thu Esmeralda; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Cavand Pag; Sat e Trovatore.
w/c 15 Mar Mon Tannhauser; Tue Merry Wives of Windsor; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Cav and Pag; Fri Don Giovanni; Sat m Carmen; Sat e Faust.
Twelve different operas plus Cav and Pag
Six Carmen; Four Cav and Pag; Faust; Lohengrin; Tannhauser
Three Merry Wives of Windsor; Marriage of Figaro; Bohemian Girl; Rigoletto; Trovatore
Two Don Giovanni; Esmeralda.
One Maritana
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