Opera Scotland

Nozze di Figaro 1909Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Marriage of Figaro

The Scotsman (3 March) review, from which cast details have been extracted, stated "Last night the opera was again put on the stage, and a large audience gave it an enthusiastic reception...The cast last night, with one exception, was the same as was heard a year ago.  It is in truth an opera for principals; all the parts were in excellent hands, and the work received a rendering which did credit to all concerned.  The rôle of the Countess Almaviva was taken by Miss Ina Hill, the new member of the cast.  Her voice, clear and fresh, and of good tonal quality throughout, suited Mozart's music well, and her singing, individually and in concert, was characterised by much ability and taste.  Miss Burgess was bright and effective as Susanna, the maid.  Mention specially may be made of the Rose song of the last act as a fine example of her cultured vocal art.  The Cherubino was played throughout in a roguish, sprightly spirit by Miss Woodall, who looked charming in her boy's dress.  The well-known air 'Ye who loves power' (Voi che sapete) was sung by her with delightful clearness and daintiness, and earned a hearty encore.  Mr Arthur Winckworth scored a great success as the amorous Count, both vocally and dramatically; Mr Charles Victor was a lively Figaro; and the smaller parts were suitably filled.  The chorus in the beautiful concerted piece which closes the opera sang with admirable impression.  The orchestra played in fine style, and on the general success of the production the conductor, Mr Van Noorder, may be heartily complimented."

The company's Scottish performances in 1909 involved one week at the Alexandria, Greenock, one week at the New Gaiety, Ayr followed by two at Edinburgh's King's Theatre and two at the Glasgow Grand. 

The full schedule of 42 performances was:- 

w/c 8 Feb Mon Lohengrin; Tue Merry Wives of Windsor; Wed Maritana; Thu Rigoletto; Fri Carmen; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Faust.

w/c 15 Feb Mon Carmen Tue Faust; Wed Lohengrin; Thu Bohemian Girl; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Trovatore.

w/c 22 Feb Mon Lohengrin; Tue Don Giovanni; Wed Carmen; Thu Merry Wives of Windsor; Fri Marriage of Figaro; Sat m Cav and Pag; Sat e Trovatore

w/c 1 Mar Mon Carmen; Tue Marriage of Figaro; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Cav and Pag; Fri Esmeralda; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Faust.

 w/c 8 Mar Mon Lohengrin; Tue Carmen; Wed Marriage of Figaro; Thu Esmeralda; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Cavand Pag; Sat e Trovatore.

w/c 15 Mar Mon Tannhauser; Tue Merry Wives of Windsor; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Cav and Pag; Fri Don Giovanni; Sat m Carmen; Sat e Faust.

 Twelve different operas plus Cav and Pag

Six Carmen; Four Cav and Pag; Faust; Lohengrin; Tannhauser

Three Merry Wives of Windsor; Marriage of Figaro; Bohemian Girl; Rigoletto; Trovatore

Two Don Giovanni; Esmeralda.

One Maritana 

Performance Cast

Figaro the Count's valet

Charles Victor

Count Almaviva a Spanish grandee

Arthur Winckworth

Cherubino the Count's page

Doris Woodall

Susanna the Countess's maid

Elizabeth Burgess

Countess Almaviva

Ina Hill

Production Cast


Walter van Noorden

Performance DatesNozze di Figaro 1909

Map List

King's Theatre, Edinburgh | Edinburgh

26 Feb, 19.30 2 Mar, 19.30

Grand Theatre, Glasgow | Glasgow

10 Mar, 19.30

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