Opera Scotland

Lohengrin 1909Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Lohengrin

Cast taken from the Era (13 February).

The review in the Scotsman (23 February) wrote of the auspicious start to the Edinburgh performances "the singing and acting in which was kept throughout at a high standard.  The performance, too, had the merit of increasing in interest as it proceeded, and the singers, instead of being exhausted with their trying work, sang with more effect at the end than they did at the beginning. Miss Beatrice Miranda, a new soprano, made an excellent appearance in the role of Elsa.  Her youthful face and figure were in her favour, and she acted with simplicity and girlish grace. She has a light soprano voice, not of great strength, but well trained and of sweet quality. The balcony song was prettily rendered, and in the last act, in the bridal chamber scene, she threw much expressiveness into her work."

"An admirable Lohengrin was presented by Mr Walter Wheatley, a gentleman with a clear ringing fresh tenor voice of good range and fine timbre. He sang the well-known music with admirable power and emotional expression, and also acted with much ability.  The 'Declaration of Lohengrin' was delivered with a fervour and purity of tone which worthily rounded off a performance in which the romantic character of the role was throughout worthily maintained.  Miss Marie Alexander gave efficient support as Ortrud, and the dramatic acting in the second act with Telramund - a part which was in the capable hands of Mr Dillon Shallard, was exceedingly effective.  Mr Winckworth in his old part of the King, and Mr Clendon as the Herald, both sang well. The chorus at first seemed a trifle deficient in weight for Wagner's music, but note may be made of the tasteful rendering they gave to the Bridal Chorus. The orchestra, under Mr Eugene Goossens, played the lovely instrumental music in a worthy style. At the close of each act the principals were loudly applauded."

A review in the Greenock Telegraph (9 February) added little to the sense of a fine production.

"The audience was not only a large one in point of numbers, but was quite apparently made up of the cream of local playgoers, and this, in view of other strong musical attractions in the Town Hall, is well worth noting."

"As Telramund, Mr Dillon Shallard sang a trifle huskily at times, yet his personation on the whole, most notably his acting, left little to be desired.  Messrs Winckworth and Clendon both gave good accounts of their parts as King Henry the Fowler and the Herald respectively.  The chief vocal triumphs of the evening, however, came from Miss Doris Woodall as Ortrud and Miss Beatrice Miranda as Elsa, their lengthened duet in the second act being delivered with splendid effect, bringing a ringing cheer from all parts of the house,  The Elsa of Miss Miranda was a vision of beauty and of modest maidenly courage, while Miss Woodall, as the designing resourcefull sorceress was beyond doubt one of the best efforts in the performance."

"It ought to be mentioned that in Act III, in the well known 'narration', Mr Wheatley excelled himself, and quite carried the house with him. The chorus all over was good, especially the male voices.  A particular word is also due the full and finely-balanced orchestra, very ably, yet quietly, conducted by Mr Eugene Goossens."

The company's Scottish performances in 1909 involved one week at the Alexandria, Greenock, one week at the New Gaiety, Ayr followed by two at Edinburgh's King's Theatre and two at the Glasgow Grand. 

The full schedule of 42 performances was:- 

w/c 8 Feb Mon Lohengrin; Tue Merry Wives of Windsor; Wed Maritana; Thu Rigoletto; Fri Carmen; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Faust.

w/c 15 Feb Mon Carmen Tue Faust; Wed Lohengrin; Thu Bohemian Girl; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Trovatore.

w/c 22 Feb Mon Lohengrin; Tue Don Giovanni; Wed Carmen; Thu Merry Wives of Windsor; Fri Marriage of Figaro; Sat m Cav and Pag; Sat e Trovatore

w/c 1 Mar Mon Carmen; Tue Marriage of Figaro; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Cav and Pag; Fri Esmeralda; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Faust.

 w/c 8 Mar Mon Lohengrin; Tue Carmen; Wed Marriage of Figaro; Thu Esmeralda; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Cavand Pag; Sat e Trovatore.

w/c 15 Mar Mon Tannhauser; Tue Merry Wives of Windsor; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Cav and Pag; Fri Don Giovanni; Sat m Carmen; Sat e Faust.

 Twelve different operas plus Cav and Pag

Six Carmen; Four Cav and Pag; Faust; Lohengrin; Tannhauser

Three Merry Wives of Windsor; Marriage of Figaro; Bohemian Girl; Rigoletto; Trovatore

Two Don Giovanni; Esmeralda.

One Maritana 

Performance Cast

Heerufer Royal Herald

Frederick Clendon

Heinrich Henry the Fowler, King of Germany

Arthur Winckworth

Friedrich von Telramund Count of Brabant

Dillon Shallard

Ortrud Friedrich's wife

Doris Woodall (Feb 8)

Marie Alexander (Feb 22)

Elsa von Brabant sister of the missing Count Gottfried

Beatrice Miranda

Lohengrin a knight

Walter Wheatley

Performance DatesLohengrin 1909

Map List

Alexandra Theatre | Greenock

8 Feb, 19.30

King's Theatre, Edinburgh | Edinburgh

22 Feb, 19.30

Grand Theatre, Glasgow | Glasgow

8 Mar, 19.30

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