A review of the performance
The Glasgow Herald review (14 March) says "Darkened streets are evidently unable to keep the opera lover at home. The Carl Rosa Company have been doing well at the Theatre Royal, and last night they began their second week with a large audience. If German in origin, Tannhauser can hardly be said to reflect the modern German spirit. The minstrel knight's adventures in the realm of Venus would make a very small sensation if related today in German Court circles. The Landgrave and his friends carry Puritanism to its limits, and are suitably reproved when the repentant sinner is pardoned in spite of rank and orthodox religion."
"Apart fron Tannhauser and Venus, Wagner's characters are the last word in respectability. In the Hall of Song, the Landgrave speaks as from a pulpit. Whatever German qualities Tannhauser may possess, they evidently did not trouble last night's audience. The work has always been a favourite in Glasgow, and it was as enthusiastically received as ever.
Mr William Wegener was a trifle unequal as the sinning, suffering hero, but he rose to the occasion in crucial dramatic moments, and his performance as a whole was not unworthy of the part.
Elisabeth is a somewhat colourless person, as virtuous ladies are apt to be on the operatic stage. Miss Eleanor Felix might have played the part on a slightly higher emotional key, but she sang her music well, and was generally quite in the picture. Mr Winckworth, one of the best artists of the company, was a sonorous, dignified Landgrave; and excellent work was done by Miss Winifred Geverding as Venus, Mr Frank Clarke as Wolfram. and the singers in the smaller parts.
Some of Mr Goossens's tempi were a trifle fast, but chorus and orchestra supported him well; if the former was somewhat reduced on the male side, then the times are ample excuse. The performance had plenty of vitality, and interest was kept alive to the close."
The 1926 Scottish Tour
The Scottish circuit that year consisted of two weeks at Edinburgh’s Royal Lyceum, followed by three at Glasgow’s Theatre Royal. Advertisements state the orchestra included fifty performers.
w/c Monday 21 Feb Tales of Hoffmann; Tue Aïda; Wed Tannhauser; Thu Trovatore; Fri Cav and Pag; Sat m Faust; Sat e Bohemian Girl.
w/c Monday 28 Feb Carmen; Tue Tales of Hoffmann; Wed Mignon; Thu Magic Flute; Fri Faust*; Sat m Tales of Hoffmann; Sat e Maritana.
w/c Monday 6 March Tales of Hoffmann; Tue Carmen; Wed Faust; Thu Trovatore; Fri Cav and Pag; Sat m Aïda; Sat e Maritana.
w/c Mon 13 March Tannhauser; Tue Tales of Hoffmann; Wed Aïda; Thu Magic Flute; Fri Faust; Sat m Tales of Hoffmann; Sat e Bohemian Girl.
w/c Mon 20 March Carmen; Tue Mignon; Wed Cav and Pag; Thu Attack on the Mill; Fri Tales of Hoffmann; Sat m Faust; Sat e Trovatore.
The whole amounted to seven performances of Tales of Hoffmann; five of Faust; three of Aïda, Cav and Pag, Carmen, and Trovatore; two of Tannhauser, Bohemian Girl, Mignon, Maritana, and Magic Flute; one of Attack on the Mill.
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