One of the pair of performances was the Saturday matinee in Aberdeen (not reviewed by the press). The second was on the first Saturday evening in Glasgow'
The Glasgow Review
The Glasgow Herald on Monday, 05 November (p8):
On Saturday evening the company presented Puccini's La Bohème. Mr John Barbirolli conducted and obtained a notably warm and vivid rendering of the orchestral score. Some instrumental passages had more than usual eloquence. But, unfortunately, all of the singers were at times overwhelmed. They were often totally inaudible in the first act and again in the café scene, where they might just as well have kept their breath to cool their victuals. Anyone who was listening to the work for the first time and who had no foreknowledge of the story (and there are some such in every audience), would have difficulty in guessing what the first two acts were all about.
'The performance owed much to the excellent work of Miss May Blyth as Mimï. Her impersonation has improved on the lines of indicating more clearly than formerly Mimì's fragility, and throughout theevening she made artistic use of the rather unusual but most beautiful qualities of her voice. She made a great impression on the audience in the final scene, which was even more realistic and moving than usual. Mr Tudor Davies as Rudolph was in fine voice, and made the most of Puccini's fervent vocal phrases. His singing gave real pleasure although he still has the occasional mannerism of adding an audible exclamation both to the beginning and to the end of a phrase. Mr Philip Bertram as Colline and Mr Bernard Ross as Schaunard contributed greatly to the effect of the last act, but for the reasons above mentioned it was difficult to estimate their work in the first and second acts. Former successes as Benoit and Alcindoro were repeated by Mr Sydney Russell. If possible his interpretation of these two parts seemed better than ever. Miss Doris Lemon and Mr William Michael were more than adequate in the parts of Musetta and Marcel.
BNOC in Scotland 1928
This final Scottish tour by BNOC was only four weeks instead of the six enjoyed the previous year. This is partly because the King's Theatre in Dundee, an excellent modern venue, visited for the first time in 1927, was now a cinema and no longer available. But Aberdeen (His Majesty's) was still a welcoming venue along with Edinburgh (King's) and Glasgow (Theatre Royal).
The fifteen operas performed were:
Mozart (Magic Flute); Rossini (Barber of Seville); Wagner (Tannhäuser, Lohengrin; Mastersingers); Verdi (Trovatore, Aïda, Falstaff); Gounod (Faust); Bizet (Carmen); Massenet (Manon); Puccini (Bohème, Madam Butterfly); Leoncavallo (Pagliacci); Mascagni (Cavalleria Rusticana)
The tour schedule was as follows:
Aberdeen, w/c 15 October: Mon 15 Lohengrin; Tue 16 Carmen; Wed 17 mat Tannhäuser; Wed 17 eve Madam Butterfly; Thu 18 Aïda; Fri 19 Falstaff; Sat 20 mat Bohème; Sat 20 eve Cav & Pag.
Edinburgh, w/c 22 October: Mon 22 Manon; Tue 23 Lohengrin; Wed 24 mat Faust; Wed 24 eve Barber of Seville; Thu 25 Magic Flute; Fri 26 Falstaff; Sat 27 mat Carmen; Sat 27 eve Madam Butterfly.
Glasgow, w/c 29 October: Mon 29 Lohengrin; Tue 30 Tannhäuser; Wed 31 mat Faust; Wed 31 eve Barber of Seville; Thu 01 Nov Falstaff; Fri 02 Manon; Sat 03 mat Carmen; Sat 03 eve Bohème.
Glasgow, w/c 05 November: Mon 05 Falstaff; Tue 06 Magic Flute; Wed 07 mat Trovatore; Wed 07 eve Lohengrin; Thu 08 Aïda; Fri 09 Mastersingers; Sat 10 mat Manon; Sat 10 eve Madam Butterfly.
Tudor Davies (Nov 03 e)
William Michael (Nov 03 e)
Philip Bertram (Nov 03 e)
Bernard Ross (Nov 03 e)
Sydney Russell (Nov 03 e)
May Blyth (Nov 03 e)
Doris Lemon (Nov 03 e)
Sydney Russell (Nov 03 e)
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