Opera Scotland

Iolanthe 1922D'Oyly Carte Opera Company

Read more about the opera Iolanthe

One of the most sophisticated of the G & S works.

Details of other Scottish venues are to be confirmed.


A Dundee Review

Dundee Advertiser: Friday, December 22 1922    (p3)

Iolanthe at Dundee - D’Oyly Carte Company’s Performance

'There was lacking a little of the snap of the previous performances of the D’Oyly Carte Company at the King’s Theatre, Dundee, last night, when they presented Iolanthe, and it was not until Private Willis sent up the temperature with a faultless rendering of his comical ditty that the players rose to the heights they attained earlier in the week. Iolanthe is not a comic opera; it is a delightful musical version of a Hans Andersen or a Grimm story for grown-ups, of delicate and elaborate wit, adorned at times with the aery-faeryest of musical dress. Gilbert’s topical allusions, as in that to Captain Shaw, sound strange to modern provincial ears, who know not of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade; but the love affair of the Arcadian shepherd, half fairy, half mortal, was eagerly followed by a crowded and enthusiastic house.

'As in the earlier productions, the dressing was on a more elaborate scale than hitherto, and the resplendent robes of the Peers made a fine harmonious blend with the greens and silvers of the fairies. The opening chorus, “Tripping hither,” was given with good effect, and the long and striking finale to the first act was tunefully and well sung, though lacking in vim. The orchestra was adequate throughout, and Mr Norris gave good care to both solo and choral effect.

'There is an air of dignity about Mr Lytton’s characterisation of the Lord Chancellor that pervades even his fun, and he makes his points with the minimum of effort. His “business” in “if you go in” is excellent, and he never overreaches in his perfect interpretation. Mr Granville’s Strephon was full of gaiety and good tone, and “None shall part us” was sung with Miss Lawson in artistic fashion. Mr Leo Sheffield did his little bit better than well, and his every movement suggested laughter. Mr Darrell Fancourt made a decidedly presentable Earl of Mountararat and his excellent rendering of “When Britain ruled the waves” was justly approved by its cordial reception.

'Miss Bertha Lewis and Miss Catherine Ferguson added to the fine impression they have already made, and “O foolish fay” was given with fine tone and dramatic skill. Phyllis was in the safe hands of Miss Winifred Lawson, and she played and sang with convincing spirit. There was good tone and feeling in her opening “Good Morrow,” and she made the succeeding duet a feature of the performance.'

Performance Cast

Queen of the Fairies

Bertha Lewis (Dec 21)

Iolanthe a Fairy, Strephon's Mother

Catherine Ferguson (Dec 21)

Strephon an Arcadian Shepherd

Sydney Granville (Dec 21)

Phyllis an Arcadian Shepherdess and Ward in Chancery

Winifred Lawson (Dec 21)

Earl of Mountararat

Darrell Fancourt (Dec 21)

Lord Chancellor

Henry Lytton (Dec 21)

Private Willis B Company, 1st Grenadier Guards

Leo Sheffield (Dec 21)

Production Cast


Harry Norris (Dec 21)

Performance DatesIolanthe 1922

Map List

King's Theatre, Dundee | Dundee

21 Dec, 19.30

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