Always something of a rarity, almost a ''connoisseur's piece'', this three-act, semi-serious work came up very fresh given bright and elegant new sets and costumes.
Details of other Scottish venues are to be confirmed.
A Dundee Critic
Dundee Advertiser: Saturday, December 23 1922 (p4)
Princess Ida - Enthusiastic Reception in Dundee
'The tumultuous reception that greeted the performance of Princess Ida by the D’Oyly Carte Company last night in the King’s Theatre, Dundee, was the obvious recognition of a well-deserved triumph. Not only was the applause resounding, but from the stalls there were rolling calls of “Encore.” The trios in which the opera abounds came in for special recognition, and even after a double encore had been given in at least one case much of the subsequent dialogue was lost through continued applause.
'The opera is a skit on the eternal subject of feminism, but one is less concerned with this fact than the musical beauties and the geniality of the humour.
'Probably the most outstanding work of the show was the byplay of Hilarion (James Hay), Cyril (Leo Darnton), and Florian (Sydney Granville) in the scene after entering the castle grounds of Adamant. The humour was perfectly unforced, and deliciously maintained. All three were in brilliant form, Leo Darnton’s “Kissing Song” being dashingly executed, and the general singing and buffoonery of Sydney Granville were done with a finished touch. The other male trio, the Princess’s brothers, Darrell Fancourt, Joe Ruff, and George Sinclair, were in fine voice, and lampooned the mediaeval men-at-arms to a nicety. Leo Sheffield’s King Hildebrand was efficiently treated, but he has shown to greater effect in other parts. Few, if any, better King Gamas than that of Henry Lytton could be conceived; he did not act - he was the part.
'As Princess Ida, Winifred Lawson was strong in her characterisation and splendidly dramatic and tuneful. Bertha Lewis’s Lady Blanche was a study in outraged dignity. As Melissa, Catherine Ferguson captivated in her invariably coquettish way. Kathleen Anderson presented a charming Lady Psyche. Nancy Ray, Anna Bethell, and Nell Raymond were happy in the parts of the girl graduates.'
Leo Sheffield (Dec 22)
James Hay (Dec 22)
Leo Darnton (Dec 22)
Sydney Granville (Dec 22)
Henry Lytton (Dec 22)
Darrell Fancourt (Dec 22)
Joe Ruff (Dec 22)
George Sinclair (Dec 22)
Winifred Lawson (Dec 22)
Bertha Lewis (Dec 22)
Kathleen Anderson. (Dec 22)
Catherine Ferguson (Dec 22)
Nancy Ray (Dec 22)
Anna Bethell (Dec 22)
Nell Raymond (Dec 22)
Harry Norris (Dec 22)
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