Opera Scotland

Usher Hall Edinburgh

Made possible by an 1896 gift from Andrew Usher, the hall that bears his name was however not opened until 1914. Owned and operated by Edinburgh City Council, the Usher Hall has in its long and distinguished history hosted a wide range of events from political rallies to pop concerts. However the Hall is best known to many for being the Edinburgh home of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, orchestral concerts at the Edinburgh International Festival and a successful venue for occasional large scale concert performances of opera.

As it approaches its centenary the Usher Hall has undergone over a decade of renovation projects. It is always likely with older buildings that such programmes are problematic and it was only after substantial delays that the last major upgrade was completed in 2010. Circulation space, access, and other facilities have been much improved. On the right of the photograph can be seen the new contemporary glass wing, adding additional public areas together with space for administration and hospitality.

The Usher Hall combines what remains a relatively unusual shape with a good acoustic. While seats in the Upper Circle are not recommended for the long-limbed or those with a fear of heights, some believe that the better seats there are among the best locations in the hall.

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