Friends and Patrons of Scottish Opera can attend local meetings in various parts of Scotland to learn more about the Company and the operas in the Season. These are all listed in the Scottish Opera magazine, Brio which is sent to all supporters three times a year.
If you are not yet a supporter, you will still be welcomed! There is usually a charge to cover costs and produce a small donation to Scottish Opera. If you have any queries about these events, or want to become a Friend or Patron, please get in touch with Anne Higgins, Friends Manager, 0141 242 0599 or email
Glasgow: Study Days on each opera are held on Saturdays in Scottish Opera’s HQ at Elmbank Crescent, Charing Cross, Glasgow. There are also occasional concerts and social events. Contact Anne Higgins, Friends Manager, on 0141 242 0599 or check the enclosure with your copy of Brio for further details.
Edinburgh: A Christmas party with Scottish Opera’s Emerging Artists takes place at the Festival Theatre, Edinburgh each December, and there are two or more interviews a year with artists or members of Scottish Opera staff, held on Saturday lunchtimes in the Theatre. Contact Anne Higgins or check the enclosure with Brio as above.
Stirling: Monthly meetings are held on Sundays at 2.30pm in the Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum from September to April, as well as a social lunch and the occasional outing. The group arranges coaches to take local members to one performance of each opera a Season. Contact Elise Macrae on 01786 822128 or email or check the Brio enclosure as above.
Perthshire: Meetings take place on various Sundays throughout the Season at 2.30pm in the Royal George Hotel, Tay Street, Perth. The programme also includes a concert each year and a coach trip to Glasgow for a performance or event there. Contact Nessie Newstead 01764 652359, email or check the Brio enclosure as above.
Tayside branch meetings take place on cartain Fridays at 7.30pm in the Common Room, Chaplaincy Centre, Dundee University (except 8 December and 4 May). For further information and to book a buffet supper at 6.30pm before any of the meetings, please contact David Robb on 01382 456916 or e-mail; or Penny Anderson on 01382 225067 or e-mail
Entrance £2, or £10 including supper, £12 with wine
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