Opera Scotland

Rigoletto 1905Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Rigoletto

The performance was reviewed in the Glasgow Herald (6 April).

"Last night the Carl Rosa Company repeated Rigoletto in the Grand Theatre with the gretest success.  After being for so long a stranger to Glasgow, Verdi's work seems to have come to stay.  There was a time when the familiar tunes were herd in the streets from the ubiquitous barrle-organ,  /but that ime was long before  the advent of musical comedy and gilded music halls.  The average man - in Glasgow at least - knows comparatively little of Rigoletto now,  Perhaps, however, history will repeat itself, and Rigoletto again assail our ears from unexpected corners.  As the work received a long notice from us only a few days ago, we need not again discuss it in detail.  Mr Hedmondt, as the Duke, is one of the rare operatic tenors who can make his role interesting from every point of view.  He is an artist in the highest sense of this much-abused word, and appeals to the mind of the cultured opera-lover no less than to the affections of the great mass of theatre-goers.  Last night he had the sympathy of his audience from first to last."

"Herr Charles Victor has, during the present visit of the Carl Rosa Company, gained golden opinions from all who have had the good fortune to hear him.  His Rigoletto is really a fine conception, and in its realisation loses nothing in the way of dramatic power.  Other fine performances last night were those of  Miss Lizzie Burgess, Miss Anna Hope, Mr Frank Arthur, Mr Alexander Richard and Mr John Vert.  Mr Walter van Noorden conducted.", 

On this return to Scotland after an absence of a few years, Carl Rosa Opera's  performances were as follows:-

Week 1, comm 27 Mar: Mon Tannhäuser; Tue Don Giovanni; Wed Faust; Thu Lohengrin; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Cav & Pag; Sat e Maritana.

Week 2, comm 3 Apr: Mon Faust; Tue Tristan and Isolde; Wed Rigoletto; Thu Tannhäuser; Fri Marriage of Figaro; Sat m Don Giovanni; Sat e Carmen.

Performance Cast

Duke of Mantua

Charles Hedmondt

Gilda Rigoletto's daughter

Elizabeth Burgess

Rigoletto a jester

Charles Victor

Production Cast


Walter van Noorden

Performance DatesRigoletto 1905

Map List

Grand Theatre, Glasgow | Glasgow

31 Mar, 19.30 5 Apr, 19.30

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