A brief review in the Glasgow Herald (10 April) provided cast details.
"Miss Maud Santley's Carmen was a concert rather than a stage performance; it was vocally of great merit but the histrionic possibilities of the part were hardly touched. Herr Julius Walther with such an irresponsive fair one - who in the last two acts indeed should be wooer rather than wooed - was somewhat handicapped. He sang and acted, however, with much intensity. His Don Jose was more like the outraged Canio than the good young soldier, who should have been at home with his mother. A remarkably fine performance was the Escamillo of Mr Lewys James. Madame Brookshaw, possibly exhausted by her afternoon's work, was in rather poor form as Michaela. The less important roles of Remendado and Morales, Frasquia and Mercedes were willed with quite exceptional success. One of the features of the Carl Rosa performances has been the good work done by singers in small parts. It has provided a distinctive completeness and finish to the productions of the last fortnight."
"The company have made a new reputation for themselves in Glasgow for their splended all-round excellence, and on their next visit, they will, we are sure, receive the heartiest welcome."
On this return to Scotland after an absence of a few years, Carl Rosa Opera's performances were as follows:-
Week 1, comm 27 Mar: Mon Tannhäuser; Tue Don Giovanni; Wed Faust; Thu Lohengrin; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Cav & Pag; Sat e Maritana.
Week 2, comm 3 Apr: Mon Faust; Tue Tristan and Isolde; Wed Rigoletto; Thu Tannhäuser; Fri Marriage of Figaro; Sat m Don Giovanni; Sat e Carmen.
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