Opera Scotland

Faust 1917Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Faust

The review in the Daily Record (23 February), from which limited cast details have been taken, said:

"There wss a full house at the Theatre Royal, Glasgow, where Faust, with Mr Macklin in the title role and Mr Winckworth as Mephistopheles, was given.   It was an excellent production from every aspect.  Mr Macklin uses his fine voice with great art, and both in hislyrical and dramatic singing was most impressive.  Mr Winckworth, although hardly in his best form, sang and acted with irresistable effect.  It was refreshing to have a really youthful Marguerite in the person of Miss Clara Simons, who was charming by reason of simple, direct appeal generally, while not lacking emotional power in the big moments. 

Miss Jean Douglas Wilson's Martha and Mr Frank Clarke's Valentine also call for special praise.  The chorus and orchestra, under Mr Henriques de la Fuente, well maintained the high reputation of the company." 

Performances by Carl Rosa Opera in Scotland during 1917 consisted of four weeks at Glasgow’s Theatre Royal then two at Edinburgh’s Royal Lyceum. The full schedule was as follows:-

w/c Mon 19 Feb Tales of Hoffmann; Tue Madam Butterfly; Wed Lily of Killarney; Thu Faust; Fri Magic Flute; Sat m Madam Butterfly; Sat e Maritana.

w/c Mon 26 Feb Aida; Tue Tales of Hoffmann; Wed Madam Butterfly; Thu Trovatore; Fri Marriage of Figaro; Sat m Cav and Pag; Sat e Bohemian Girl.

w/c Mon 5 Mar Carmen; Tue Trovatore; Wed Magic Flute; Thu Aida; Fri Madam Butterfly; Sat m Tales of Hoffmann; Sat e Faust.

w/c Mon 12 Mar Cav and Pag; Tue Marriage of Figaro; Wed RigolettoThu Madam Butterfly; Fri Carmen; Sat m Faust; Sat e Trovatore.

w/c Mon 19 Mar Tales of Hoffmann; Tue Faust; Wed Madam Butterfly; Thu Carmen; Fri Marriage of Figaro; Sat m Tales of Hoffmann; Sat e Trovatore

w/c Mon 26 Mar Rigoletto; Tue Lily of KillarneyWed Aida; Thu Tales of Hoffmann; Fri Attack on the MillSat m CarmenSat e Maritana.

Six Tales of Hoffmann; Madam Butterfly 

Four Faust; Trovatore; Carmen

Three Aida; Marriage of Figaro

Two Cav and Pag; Lily of Killarney; Magic Flute; Maritana; Rigoletto.

One Attack on the Mill

Performance Cast

Marthe a neighbour

Jean Douglas-Wilson

Valentin Marguerite's brother

Frank Clarke

Méphistophélès the devil

Arthur Winckworth


Clara Simons

Faust a learned doctor

Hughes Macklin

Performance DatesFaust 1917

Map List

Theatre Royal, Glasgow | Glasgow

22 Feb, 19.15 10 Mar, 19.15

Theatre Royal, Greenock | Greenock

17 Mar, 14.00

Royal Lyceum Theatre | Edinburgh

20 Mar, 19.30

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