Opera Scotland

Petite Messe Solenelle 2023Dundee Choral Union

Read more about the opera Petite Messe Solenelle

This is the second occasion on which this lovely and unaccountably neglected piece has been given by Dundee Choral Union since Derek Clark took charge.  Clark is vastly experienced and has recently retired from his long-term position as Head of Music Staff at Scottish Opera.

They performed the original version with accompaniment for two pianos and harmonium.  Morley Whitehead played the latter keyboard, with Valerie Maynes and Derek Clark at the pianos.

The fine solo quartet included American mezzo Lea Shaw, one of Scottish Opera's current Emerging Artists. Kirkcaldy-born baritone Christopher Nairne is now building a solo career after several seasons with Opera North. 

Soprano Catriona Clark and tenor Christian Schneeberger both work regularly with Scottish Opera.  The tenor made an excellent impression in November with the St Andrews Chorus in the Caird Hall in Schumann's Paradise and the Peri.

This made for an evening of high quality.  The chorus was in fine voice - indeed it looked as though some new blood has been recruited.  The four soloists were excellent and blended well.  It is necessary to search hard for points to criticise,but if anything, perhaps Christopher Nairne's silky baritone just lacked some projection at the bass end of his range.  Otherwise the four voices projected clearly and blended well.

Derek Clark, as first pianist, injected some moments of high drama which are perhaps less expected in this lovely work.  It is definitely operatic, but beautifully restrained by comparison with Verdi's later masterpiece.

Performance DatesPetite Messe Solenelle 2023

Map List

Caird Hall | Dundee

10 Dec, 19.30

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