The Glasgow Herald (29 November) explained "Many years have elapsed since Mozart's masterpiece was last heard in the city. That the interval should have been so long opera lovers no doubt greatly regret. In former days, Don Giovanni was seldom absent from the repertoire of the Carl Rosa Company. Other entrepreneurs like the late Sir Augustus Harris and Mr Mapleson also found Mozart a strong card to play. Times have changed since then. For this state of affairs, perhaps, opera purveyors themselves are not entirely free from blame. Happily, there are signs that a better day for opera may soon dawn. The Carl Rosa Company mean to do well. If their organisation is not yet as complete as one would like to see, it lies to a great extent with the public to provide that support which would enable the management to supply what is lacking. For the performance of Don Giovanni, however, they showed last night that they had all that was necessary to give a really first-rate account of the work."
"The great consideration in this instance is an exceptionally well-equipped cast of principals - no fewer than three prima donnas having parts of equal importance. Beyond that, the title role itself demands for its efficient realisation sound acting as well, of course, as good vocal ability. On the other hand, the chorus is even less than a secondary consideration, appearing only two occasions, while the orchestra's task, though all important, is not beset by the crushing difficulties which bristle in the music-dramas of a later day. The Carl Rosa Company were easily equal to the demands made upon their strength of principals, and the performance was brilliantly successful. There was no weakness apparent anywhere, and the flattering applause bestowed upon all was richly deserved. Herr Charles Victor sustained the part of the licentious nobleman with distinction. His portrayal of the gay gallant was in the happiest vein, and in the closing tragic scene with the statue he acted with great power. So well did he meet the rquirements of this side of the characterthat his vocal efforts appeared to be subsidiary but, in the serenade he showed the fine quality of his voice.
Leporello, the servant of Don Giovanni, was represented by Mr Arthur Winckworth, whose all-round abilities enabled him to sustain this delightful part with notable success. The ladies Donna Elvira, Zerlina and Donna Anna were played by Miss Lizzie burgess, Madame Una Brookshaw, and Madame Solvino respectively. The trio provided a vocal feast such as one seldom gets at any performance of opera. There is no need to particularise their individual efforts; suffice it to say that these were warmly acknowledged...The opera was well staged, and the banquet scene was no sham affair, as bamquets often are behind the footlights. Mr Eugene Goossens conducted, and the orchestra played very smoothly. The audience did not fill the theatre, but it was larger than that of Monday night. It should be larger yet.
Cast details are taken from the review.
On this return to Scotland for just two weeks in Glasgow, after an absence of a few years, Carl Rosa Opera's performances were as follows:-
Week 1, comm 27 Mar: Mon Tannhäuser; Tue Don Giovanni; Wed Faust; Thu Lohengrin; Fri Rigoletto; Sat m Cav & Pag; Sat e Maritana.
Week 2, comm 3 Apr: Mon Faust; Tue Tristan and Isolde; Wed Rigoletto; Thu Tannhäuser; Fri Marriage of Figaro; Sat m Don Giovanni; Sat e Carmen.
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