Opera Scotland

Edinburgh Players Opera Group

Posted 8 Sep 2010

This event is an annual phenomenon, but one that must be approached gently by bystanders. Since 2001, a weekend opera course based on works of Wagner has been held at Portobello Town Hall, Edinburgh, on the last weekend in September.  It is a study weekend for musicians and professional singers and culminates in the playing of one of Wagner’s operas complete in concert form. The final and complete performance, held on the Sunday, is well worth hearing, and is conducted by music director Mike Thorne.
The organizer of these weekends, Philip Taylor, explains this is in no sense a professional event, but that interested listeners are welcome. A donation of £15 towards the expenses of the event is requested.

Some people find ‘amateur’  or ‘semi- professional’ performances both inadequate and tedious. But others prefer to see their glasses ‘half full’, rather than ‘half empty’. This reviewer found much to enjoy in last year’s performance of Valkyrie, and recommends it. Some ‘weel-kent’ faces may be found amongst the performers. Relatives and other audience members sit in the balcony, where the acoustics are quite acceptable.

Philip has kindly agreed that we can promote the event in ‘Opera Scotland’. There is no need to book, just turn up at the Town Hall in good time on Sunday 26th September 2010 – the performance commences at 11am.




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